ibis hotel in paris (urgent)

2009-07-11 6:21 am
, thx!!!

-Ibis Paris Gare du Nord Chateau Landon 10eme
-Ibis Paris Gare du Nord La Fayette 10eme
-Ibis Paris Sacre Coeur 18eme
-Ibis Paris Montmartre 18eme

回答 (3)

2009-07-12 8:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
我已經住過london, liverpool, manchester, paris, lyon, munich, frankfurt, numberg, wurzburg, etc 的 ibis hotels.
因為ibis 是集團式經營和iso qualification, 所以他們的hotel管理和格式是大同小異.
你以上的hotels,有第一及第二間是在10區, 以metro和火車來說是大站, 位於paris gare du nord. 因為接近大站,所以價錢貴.
其實ibis的hotels都會在metro station附近.都很方便.
我之前住Ibis Paris Montmartre 18eme 因為價錢最平, 在metro line4的總站 (porte de cllgnancourt) , 一上地面已經見到ibis hotel. http://www.paris.org/Metro/gifs/metro.pdf
而由metro line 4 (porte de cllgnancourt) 到 metro line 4 (gare du nord) 只需 4 個站, 約10mins, 很方面.
約比較Ibis Paris Gare du Nord Chateau Landon 10eme 和Ibis Paris Gare du Nord La Fayette 10eme, 則Ibis Paris Gare du Nord La Fayette 10eme會較方便和受歡迎.因為Ibis Paris Gare du Nord Chateau Landon 10eme 會在metro chateau landon station 出. Ibis Paris Gare du Nord La Fayette 10eme則正位於 metro gare du nord.
價錢方面Ibis Paris Gare du Nord La Fayette 10eme是最貴的, 而伙他比Ibis Paris Montmartre 18eme 貴了euro 25-30, 視乎seasons.
當日, 我以價錢為決定因素, 因為這4個hotel只是差幾個站而已.
你自己可以考慮一下. 但可以放心, 無論哪一個ibis hotel都不會有太大的問題. 你只需要在價錢和車站作考慮.
參考: europe solo traveller & personal experience
2009-07-13 5:30 pm
Ibis Paris Gare Montparnasse
very nice hotel, clean and with a huge breakfast

They have nice single room, clean and a very yummy breakfast, full of anything you crave for in the morning! nice and friendly staff as well.

I recommend this hotel for Young singles, Girlfriend getaway, Older travelers, Families with teenagers, Tourists
I do not recommend this hotel for An amazing honeymoon, A romantic getaway, Great pool scene, Families with young children
I selected this hotel as a top choice for Museums / Cultural / Historical sites, Business meeting / Event, Shopping
2009-07-12 8:47 am
其實都係ibis hotel,除左location之外,分別唔大~
會建議你住頭果2間,因為在gare du nord(大站),比較方便~
參考: my experience

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