高手請進(Q.14) Translation

2009-07-11 12:47 am
她好奇的問 : 「其他同事都穿著便服,為何你卻與眾不同? 不怕人家說你『喧賓奪主』嗎?」
他笑說:「我倆都是同類人,愛『炫耀自己』! 」

回答 (3)

2009-07-11 5:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
Today again, he came to work in a suit, looked tidy and very smart.
“Other colleagues are all in casual wear, why are you being different? Aren’t you concern that they say you ‘overshadow’ them?” she asked curiously.

“We are one of a kind - we love to ‘show off’!” he smiled.

2009-07-13 15:22:05 補充:
typo ->

"concern" should be "concerned"

2009-07-13 15:22:30 補充:
typo ->

"concern" should be "concerned"

2009-07-14 12:32:30 補充:
sorry, one more...

Should be "two of a kind" instead of "one of a kind".
參考: just trying
2009-07-15 11:27 am
How about "We are the same kind..." ? ^^
2009-07-12 8:47 am



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