can anyone tell me any martial arts self defence against large dogs?

2009-07-10 2:37 am
I need good tactical skills in defence against large dogs and maybe big animals like big cats.

回答 (16)

2009-07-10 2:46 am
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there's a secret move in ju-jitsu that involves turning around really fast and running your as$ up a tall tree.
2009-07-10 2:44 am
Well, it depends on the situation. For big cats, such as mountain lions or that sort of thing, its recommended to simply make loud noises and try to make yourself "larger" by raising your hands in the air. For a dog, outrunning it may work, but it's highly unlikely. If you have to, find something you can use as a weapon against the dog and aim for its face, particularly the nose.

However, at best, you should simply avoid confrontation with large dogs or big cats since not only that you could get hurt, it isn't fair to the animals that they should get hurt. One of the main aspects of martial arts is to avoid confrontation and use violence only as a last resort. Bottom line: DON'T GO LOOKING FOR TROUBLE.
2009-07-10 2:43 am
doubting martial arts will do you much good. a punch to the nose is effective because it's very sensitive. if it actually manages to bite you, shove your arm down it's throat, they'll either gag and relase you, or they'll stay there and suffocate. if you have good aim, you can do a 3 stooges 2 fingers to the eyes, if you don't blind them, it'll hurt like no other and they'll retreat.
參考: I worked at a vet clinic, and it's how they trained us to deal with the stray fight trained pitt bulls that were brought in.
2009-07-10 1:35 pm
this is more tactics then a style. you need to understand of the behavior of animals or that type of animals.
pepper spray will usually work on them.
參考: 30+yrs ma
2009-07-10 2:42 am
okay. this is stupid. martial arts use a set of repeated moves and counters. There are ground rules and honor is on the line...

Dogs are animals and would just maul you. If you have to fight a dog, either you or it will die. Try holding a rock or knife in your hand...
2016-04-05 4:33 pm
Be aware of your surroundings. Best bet in the world, no matter what martial art you take up, your unlikely to upset a 6ft tall stocky man with your build. At best, you may disable him temporarily, like knocking him to the floor etc. or hit a sensitive part. That is unless you are armed in some way. To come to a point where you can confidently use technique instead of strength to cause harm will take years of training, which I doubt you have if you have already met the person you are fearful of. Ideally, you need to be aware of your surroundings, go to a few lessons to learn how to put someone on the floor fairly quickly and make a hasty get away.
2009-07-11 8:48 am
I wouldn't go with anything less than a 40 S&W. If that's a problem, don't put yourself in a situation where that could happen.
2009-07-10 4:35 am
I've heard that if you are getting attacked by a large dog to kick it in the chest really hard and knock the wind out of it. Then, get away fast. I don't think any martial arts would be very effective in fighting an animal though. They were designed for fighting people. Animals fight differently.
2009-07-10 3:44 am
Well I used to take some kung fu classes, and I heard that the only effective way to kill a dog or cat w/o a weapon is to let it bite your arm, take the other arm and put it behind it's head, then finally you snap it's head back...of course it's excruciatingly painful and actually killing them is you should just stick with hitting it's nose and sticking your hand down their mouth with a sharp object..
參考: the neck-breaking thing is not a kung-fu technique; it was just another misc. thing i learned at that class
2009-07-10 2:50 am
Study this style I've picked up from living in Southern Illinois all my life..

It's called Ninj-bat Fu, actually me my brother and my father invented it.. my father made us learn it... while he was chasing a through the neighborhood with swords...

That's a true story actually.. without the learning part..
2009-07-10 6:11 am
Man if you smash a dog in the snout he'll more than likely back off, and if not grab ahold of it and break it's neck, or pick something up and use it as a weapon, garbage can, big stick, pen or pencil, almost anything can be used as a weapon.

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