I know this movie and I don't know the name, Help! Thanks....?

2009-07-09 9:40 pm
It was a movie about a tree named "tree" what belonged to a nun, a guy was picking a tree for New York on Christmas and found the nun's tree and wanted it...he end up listening to the nun's whole story about how she got the tree... And she helped the guy by giving the guy the tree for NY. ( My descriptions might be a little confusing, but any help is appreciated. ) Thanks!!!!!!!:)

回答 (2)

2009-07-09 10:51 pm
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The Christmas Tree (1996 TV movie)
starring Julie Harris, Trini Alvarado, Andrew McCarthy
IMDb synopsis:
Based on a true story, this film is about the friendship between an elderly nun, Sister Anthony, and New York's Rockefeller Center's head gardener, Richard Reilly, who wants to fell a tree she's been growing for decades and move it to New York for Christmas display. // directed by Sally Field!
IMDb review:
The film is about a young girl who is an orphan, living in a convent. Her special friend is a tree, to whom she takes all her joys and sorrows. During the course of the movie, her early history is revealed, as well as a glorious future for Tree.
2009-07-09 9:48 pm
A tree for nunya

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