
2009-07-10 7:46 am


以下有幾個問題.希望有人答到我.thanks !!

1.. 我見d教簽證既網成日都話'"稅單".但我爸媽無.
但銀行証明左我夠$去的. 大概$20幾萬吧for 1年


2.. 需要我爸爸既屋契証明佢買左樓嗎? 証明我地有

3. .. 需要我爸爸既工作証明嗎? 但我爸爸係自僱人士.

4. ..我可以買左張來回機票証明我讀完一年就會走嗎?
機會會大d嗎? 好似有旅行社會提供簽唔到就退$既務!!
係 咪架?

5. 我表姐會供我係美國既生活費,佢會比屋契copy我,
我仲有咩可以証明到表姐供養我? 同埋需要正本嗎?

6. 銀行信要3個月內嗎?

7. 仲有最重要既係.美國領事館個網話要証明到我爸爸好容易
可以將d$過去我acc到, 但點樣可以証明到?


9..在坐有邊位係有成功or 失敗既例子可以比我借鏡!!


回答 (3)

2009-07-19 1:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
為了回應閣下的關注, 下列有關的問與答, 加深整體上的了解; 更希望閣下能歸納有關的重點, 用在自己的個案上。

 《美國移民和國籍法》中第214條 (b)款規定:每位外國人在申請簽證時都将首先被假定具有移民傾向,除非他能使領事官員确信其具有非移民資格......
  申請人要想符合得到非移民簽證的資格,必須滿足《美國移民和國籍法》中第214條 (b)款的要求,否則将被依法拒簽。214條 (b)款中最基本的要求是申請人必須在美國境外有不想放棄的住所,大多數申請人都是由于無法證明這一點而被拒簽的。申請人可通過出示自己在美國境外有迫使其在美短暫停留後必須回國的約束力來證明這個住所的存在。依據美國法律,每一位申請人都必須做出證明。
  很多簽證申請都是依據《美國移民和國籍法》中的第214條 (b)款被拒簽的。大多數被拒簽的人都是由于不能證明自己在美國以外有足夠牢固的約束力,無法使簽證官相信其在美短暫停留後肯定回國。許多人都認爲有一份特殊的文件或一種特殊的回答可以使他在幾天或幾星期後再次申請時得到簽證。這種文件或回答是不存在的。申請人被拒簽是因爲整體情況不符合條件。申請人應在整體情況有了較大變化後再申請簽證。比如:剛畢業的待業學生,應在就業一段時間後再申請簽證。
參考: NET + 月光光
2009-07-11 10:51 pm
1.) You need payslip or payment advice if your tax return is not avaliable, failure to do so will have a very large chance to have your application rejected.

Cos saving is hardly enough as a proof that you have adequate funding to support your stay in US you'll need a continue source of funding.

2.) having a home mean you have a place to go back to once your study is finished, that would improve your chance.

3.) How about Accountant statement? or tax return? if your father is self employed

4.) No, this is just what you say, to the consular, they don't really know if you will leave after you said you would, well, nobody sure about future, right?

5.) Believe me, if you say you have a relative who is a US Citizens in US, your application to non-immigrant visa will definitely be refused. Do not involve any US Citizens in non-immigrant application

6.) yes

7.) Easy, by putting his money to your account @@

8.) This is your reason, not particular important, this question will definitely come up in your application but it will not help or drag down your application.

9.) Personally, no, being a US Citizens at birth i do not need to apply any visa to go back to US, but i did apply a lot of visa to my wife and her family. So i know a bit
2009-07-11 5:40 pm
1. The more you have, a better chance you have. Proof of income or a proof of asset is the same thing to prove that you are able to make the study without problems.

The best amount will be 2 times of the required amount from the school, or the amount for 2 years of expenses.

2. Again, it is optional. But if you think you don't have enough to prove. Then bring the proof.

3. Same as above.

4. The kind of visa you have is a long-term staying visa. So you don't have to worry about buying a return ticket now. What you have said only applies to travel visa.

5. I will say you'd better not to bring this because it is a sign of intention to overstay. (You have relatives there, which increase your chance of hiding).

6. The most current as possible.

7. It is difficult for now. But usually they don't care for now because no one is going to setup everything before the visa is issued.

8. No difference.

9. The most important is you have to be honest. Don't show a sign of lying.

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