
2009-07-10 7:39 am
Mrs Chan buys some candies at $1 and $2. If she spends $27 altogether and gets 20 candies, how many $2 candies does she buy?


回答 (2)

2009-07-10 7:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
let x be the number of $2 candies and y be the number of $1 candies
There are two equations:
1. 2x + y = 27
2. x + y = 20
(1) - (2)
so y = 13
Mrs Chan buy 7 pcs $2 candies and 13pcs $1 candies.
2009-07-10 8:35 am
Let x be the candies at $1 and y be the candies at $2

x + y= 20 (1)
1x + 2y = 27 (2)

From (1) , x = 20 - y (3)
P.S. <It becomes (3) even just the change in form of the equation.>
Sub (3) into (2)
1(20 - y) + 2y = 27
20 - y + 2y = 27
y = 27 - 20
y =7
Therefore, she buys 7 of the $2 candies.
參考: by myself

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