would you mind 後面是否一定要加gerund?

2009-07-09 9:49 pm
would you mind 後面是否一定要加gerund?
加to-infinitive 可以嗎?


抱歉問題問得不清楚. 我的意思是如果 would you mind 後想加 verb, 那麼是不是一定要用gerund 而不可以用to-infinitive? 即是 是否一定要would you mind helping me....... 而不可以用would you mind to help me......? 如果可以用gerund 或者 to-infinitive,那麼甚麼時候應用to-infinitive?


Yougi, 謝謝閣下回答, 只是維基的資料是說Verbs that are often followed by a gerund ,而不是說Verbs that must be followed by a gerund. 再者,維基內面的 see和stop後面也可以加 to-infinitive. 閣下有沒有一些更據說服力的資料?


如要補充回答,請以意見發表。 知識+現在又神神化化,看不見補充的內容=="

回答 (3)

2009-07-10 4:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
我的意思是如果 would you mind 後想加 verb, 那麼是不是一定要用gerund 而不可以用to-infinitive?

Ans: No, you can't.

Would you mind ( is followed by a gerund) ..........?

Take a look at this:

Staying with me <------------ This is what I doubt if you would mind

Let's put it back into the sentence above now.

It has become:

Would you mind staying with me? <=============


In English, different verbs are followed by different patterns and meanings may vary.


He started singing. ( It only shows he started doing something.)

He started to sing. ( It means he stopped doing something and then started to sing. )
**** It means he was doing something before he started to sing.***


In American English, we can say things like

" He likes TO PLAY." to infinitive

In British English, we tend to use a gerund in the sentence.

He likes playing. <--------- gerund


Footnote: In both British and American English,

we have to say " Would you mind ( verb+ing.................)?

If you want to be polite, you may add " please" at the end of the question as well.

Would you mind staying with me, please? <-----( Super polite)

( Don't forget there is a comma before "please".!)

That's it for now.

Hope these are helpful

2009-07-10 12:51 am
其實 would you mind 後面係要 gerund 的..
你可以參考一下 gerund 表
Verbs that are often followed by a gerund include admit, adore, anticipate, appreciate, avoid, carry on, consider, contemplate, delay, deny, describe, detest, dislike, enjoy, escape, fancy, feel, finish, give, hear, imagine, include, justify, listen to, mention, mind, miss, notice, observe, perceive, postpone, practice, quit, recall, report, resent, resume, risk, see, sense, sleep, stop, suggest, tolerate and watch. Additionally, prepositions are often followed by a gerund.
gerund 之後係要加 -ing 的..
所以 would you mind helping me 才是對的。

2009-07-10 16:30:29 補充:
其實你可以再看看在 Yahoo 字典的例句..


Would you mind switching the television to channel 8?
She wouldn't mind taking care of our children.

在這兩句句子中我們可見 mind 之後一定係要跟 -ing 的…

2009-07-10 16:31:43 補充:


在 Yahoo 字典裏,我們可見它的例句兩句都是用 -ing 的..

Would you mind switching the television to channel 8?
She wouldn't mind taking care of our children.

2009-07-10 16:33:41 補充:


※ 有些動詞後面只能以 Verbal Noun 或 Gerund 作賓語,
而不能以 Infinitive 作賓語。
You can hardly avoid meeting her if you both work
Would you mind opening the window?
參考: Wikipedia + Yahoo
2009-07-09 9:52 pm
應該否,但不可加to-infinitive ......
參考: would you mind後面不是一定要加gerund

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