10 points poll: Scare or Dare.........?

2009-07-08 2:47 pm
i've Dare to Handle a Scare....r u...?
Star Me...

回答 (15)

2009-07-08 5:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"Dare" .....

Courage is not the absence of fear but is a special kind of knowledge, the knowledge of what to fear & what not to fear ! :)
2009-07-08 2:52 pm
samjh mein nhi aaya

SCARE....i just picked it....anyways i dint understand your question
2009-07-09 1:19 am
Same thing, the best way to conquer fear is to be a friend of it
2009-07-08 7:12 pm
Dare to handle 100 scares
2009-07-08 5:50 pm
2009-07-08 3:04 pm
your question has scared me.
2016-05-23 9:47 am
no one knows any info about the afterlife? lol really? ..whatever anyways.. well i really love to go on walks at night, with or without people. which isn't always the brightest thing for a girl but oh well. It's fun and creepy at the same time.. i don't know. cuz sometimes you hear weird noises and then oh sayy.. your dog starts barking frantically when you see a shadow walking towards you? hahah
2009-07-08 2:55 pm
-pretends to know what you are talking about-

2009-07-09 7:01 am
2009-07-08 2:54 pm
i scare people ,so i have no time thinking about handling scare lol

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