Account Executive

2009-07-09 1:39 am
i am now finding a job in advertising agencies and i wanna be an account executive (AE). I studied media and sociology and i have been worked as an intern in a small ad agency for 2 months. however, most recruitment ads require working experiences at least a year. should i keep applying these jobs and do you think they will consider my applications? and what can i do to increase my chances of being employed? thank u~

回答 (2)

2009-07-09 3:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
Why you want to be an account executive? This is the job to serve client and as a bridge between customer and the creative team. Do you have any special skills or extra knowledge about advertising? If you had worked in a small ad agency, can you get testimony letter to proof you as a hardworking, willing to learn (quality now most young people or U grade lack of). This may get you better chance. Or if you bold enough, you can ask some big agencies to offer you a free job.
2009-07-13 3:57 am
i am now finding a job in advertising agencies and i wanna be an account executive (AE). I studied media and sociology and i have been worked as an intern in a small ad agency for 2 months. however, most recruitment ads require working experiences at least a year.
Ans. : If they require the working experience is at least a year that mean they are not required a seasoned (經驗豐富的) person. Sure you can apply the job. However this job need you to be more aggressive, then you must show yourself an independent and willing to work hard fellow.
should i keep applying these jobs and do you think they will consider my applications? and what can i do to increase my chances of being employed?
Ans. : You must understand that you choose the job and the employer chooses you. The matching would be amazing and by chance. Keep patience and keep on working in related field, maybe some day you get the job.
Good luck !

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 16:43:22
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