
2009-07-08 10:56 pm

1)In recent days, hong kong has carried out plastic bag levy. If you want to get a plastic bag to put goods, you need to give 50 cents for levy. Almost all people in hong kong support this policy because this can provide a better environment for their posterity. At least my family supports the policy.

2)Some people may think that the policy will bring inconvenience to them, but this is totally wrong. Before the policy carry out, you may not bring an environmental protection bag for shopping. As a result, you need to hold more than ten plastic bags. Do you think holding more than ten plastic bags is convenience? The answer is absolutely not. After the implementation of plastic bag levy, most people will bring an environmental protection bag to save money. You can put all the goods in one big bag. This policy may bring you more convenience than before. So, this policy will bring more good than harm.

3)After carried out plastic bag levy, it is believed that the number of plastic bags transfer to landfill will definitely reduce. This can solve the pollution problems in hong kong. First of all, it is experienced that plastic bag need many years to decompose itself under the ground. So it causes serious land pollution. Second, some countries use incinerator to treat the plastic bags. Many toxic substances release during the process. This cause air pollution and greenhouse effect. Last but not least, a lot of water was needed for producing plastic bag. The used water passes into river cause water pollution. Therefore, using environmental protection bag can reduce a lot of pollutions in hong kong.

4)The policy help the public raise their environmental consciousness. After the plastic levy carried out, the public bring environmental protection bag to save money and the environment. Government’s propaganda and promotion help the public know the poor environment in hong kong.


Many people and companies begin to save water and electricity to save our environment. At least my family starts to classify rubbish and turn on the air-conditioner until 25.5 degree Celsius.


Although we can do a little thing to save the environment, we must try our best to provide good condition for our posterity.


5)All in all, the plastic bag levy does more good than harm for our environment. The policy does not bring us inconvenience but it can help to reduce the pollutions in hong kong.


The most important thing is to help the public raise their environmental consciousness. After this moment, please bring environmental protection bag for shopping to save out environment and posterity.

回答 (4)

2009-07-13 4:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) Recently the Hong Kong government has implemented an Environmental Levy Scheme on Plastic Shopping Bags. If you want to get a plastic bag to put goods such as food or drink, medicine or first-aid item and personal hygiene or beauty product, you need to pay 50 cents as environmental levy. Most Hong Kong people support this policy because it provides a better environment for their future generation. At least my family supports this policy.

2) Some people may think that the policy will bring inconvenience to them, while this is totally wrong. Before the implementation of the policy, you may not bring a recycle bag with you for shopping. As a result, you may need to hold more than ten plastic bags each time when you shop. Do you think holding more than ten plastic bags is convenient? The answer is absolutely not. After the implementation of the new policy, most people will bring a recycle bag to save money for the levy. We can put all our purchases in one bag. This policy actually makes it more convenience for you than before, and it brings more good than harm!

3) After the Environmental Levy Scheme on Plastic Shopping Bags has commenced, it is estimated that the number of plastic bags to be transferred to landfill will reduce significantly. This can definitely help solving pollution problems in Hong Kong . As we all know, each plastic bag needs many years to decompose under the ground, and it leads to land contamination problem. In the meantime, countries using incinerators to handle plastic bags prove that many toxic substances are released during the process and cause air pollution and greenhouse effect. Lastly, a huge amount of water is needed to produce plastic bags. The exhausted water passes into rivers and cause water pollution. Therefore, using recycle bag can help reducing a lot of pollution problems in Hong Kong .

4) This policy also helps the public raising their consciousness on their environment.

2009-07-13 08:10:14 補充:
Propagandas and promotion programmes from the Government enlighten the public to understand the worsening environment in Hong Kong.

2009-07-13 08:10:47 補充:
Many people and companies begin to save water and electricity to help saving our environment. Cite for an example, my family starts sorting waste and turn on the air-conditioner only when outside temperature has reached 25.5 degree Celsius.

2009-07-13 08:11:10 補充:
Although it seems we can only contribute a little to save the environment, the actual fact is that every small contribution we make will help providing a better condition for our future generation.

2009-07-13 08:11:33 補充:
5) All in all, the Environmental Levy Scheme on Plastic Shopping Bags does more good than harm for our environment.

2009-07-13 08:11:55 補充:
The policy is not bringing us inconvenience but on the contrary helping us to reduce pollution problems in Hong Kong. Most importantly, it increases the public awareness on protecting our environment.

2009-07-13 08:12:19 補充:
From now on, please don’t forget to bring your recycle bag for shopping!
參考: Myself
2009-07-16 5:14 pm
2009-07-09 5:20 am
The policy helps raise the awareness of protecting environment among the public.
some try to bring environmental protection bags to save money and protect the environment.
第3句,,系The Government,,仲有,,系helps,,要加s.
第4句唔要to save our environment,,意思太重複.
第5句,,應該系turn on the air-conditioner to 25.5 degree Celsius.
until 系 直到
Although we can just do a little to save the environment, we must try our best to provide a good living condition for our posterity.
第1句:系does ...to our environment
第3句,,一開始你可以講 "Most importantly,",,跟住你就要話
raise the awareness of the public
第4句,,系After the moment,,唔系this
1系 that moment (過去),, 1系 the moment(現在)
save our environment 唔系 out

你篇文有好多double meaning,,呢個系令到你篇文衰ge一樣最重要野,,下次都可以搵我幫手=):
[email protected]
2009-07-09 12:32 am
I do not know what your school level is. In general, your essay is not too bad, I have rewritten it to make it more readable (compare it to your own, hope it helps):

1)The plastic bag levy comes into effect in HK recently. You are charged 50 cents if you want to get a plastic bag for your purchases at certain stores. Most people in Hong Kong support this policy because this can help the environment for our posterity. My family is supporting this policy.

2)Some people may think that the policy brings inconvenience, this is totally wrong. Before the implemetation of this levy, you may not take a recycleable bag for shopping and may use more than ten plastic bags for each trip. That was not too convenient, was it? Now most people will take a recycleable bag to save money and put all their purchases in one big bag. That is what we call convenient! So, you see, this levey does bring more good than harm.

3)It is believed that the number of plastic bags transferred to the landfills will definitely be reduced with the new levy. This can certainly help to reduce the pollution problems in hong kong. Plastic bags need many years to decompose, this brings serious land pollution. Some countries incinerate the plastic bags, emitting many toxic substances into the environment in the process , contributing to air pollution and greenhouse effect. Further more, water is used during the plastic bag manufacturing process, that puts pressure on our water resources and may further pollute our reivers and oceans.

參考: Self

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