
2009-07-08 6:56 pm
打算o係9月同男朋友兩個自由行,今次係第一次去韓國,大概o既行程仲未plan, 不過想請教大家幾樣野!

1. 其實去首爾自由行會唔會太困難?定係好多地方都可以坐地鐵就去到?

2. 我打算有一日會去主題樂園玩,係咪有個叫樂天世界?請問自己去會唔會好麻煩??除左呢個會唔會仲有第二個好玩o既主題樂園?

3. 酒店有冇咩好介紹? 我本身o既要求唔高,唔想要d貴o既!寧願d錢拎黎買野!只要又平又唔會太差就可以!

4. 9月o個邊d天氣係點?係咪同香港差唔多?

5. 其實我唔知去幾多日先夠玩,原來打算5日4夜~不過見到有d人又話唔駛去咁多日。但係我本身都唔想太趕!

6. 如果兩個人去,剩係計駛費,應該預幾多港幣? 有1日係去樂園,其餘都係行街食野!買野就以手信為主,自己會買護膚品。其實o個邊d野算唔算好貴??

7. 旅遊保險有冇咩好介紹??同埋可以點買??


回答 (3)

2009-07-10 10:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 好多景點都可以搭地鐵去,好方便(係如明洞、新村、景富宮、jamsil等都有車站)。

2. 樂天世界好容易去,搭地鐵去到jamsil落實上面就係。首爾附近有個夢幻樂園,但係唔近。

3. 你最好住明洞附近,我自己試過住江南間novotel,唔貴,但係唔係太方便,另外,有關係樂天世界附近叫lotte ,都ok。

4. 9月天氣少少涼,秋天lor. 帶定件薄褸。

2009-07-10 14:42:56 補充:

6. 預每人每日hkd1000,雖然可能唔會用咁多,但係預多好過預少。韓國買 skin food不過台灣同香港好多。laneige都平少少,明洞附近有齊。

7. 去銀行問下,銀行通常都有代理旅遊保,唔會好貴,100左右。
2009-07-11 4:27 am
1.It is very easy to trvl around in seoul...coz most of famous sight-see ing spots or shopping areas all hv metro station(mtr). U may just buy a guide book or borrow one from library and browse these 2 web site... : http://big5chinese.visitkorea.or.kr/cht/index.kto and http://www.backpackers.com.tw/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=67

網址:http://www.lotteworld.com (韓中英日)
others theme park...愛寶樂園 and 加勒比海灣

3.actually there are so many hostel or motel in seoul. but i'm afraid u r nto used to stay that type of stay. i recommand u stay at ibis hotel..it's clean and location always in downtown. there r 2 options...明洞宜必思酒店 and 汉城宜必思大使酒店. the 1st one is much expensive coz it located in the famous shopping area like Tsim sha tsui.

4.韓國氣候, 韓國天氣預報,介紹韓國天氣和實時氣象信息
韓國的氣候有四季分明的特點, 屬溫帶氣候,觀賞四季變幻的景觀,
將是旅遊最大樂趣之一。春季從3月持續到5月, 氣候溫暖, 鮮花遍地 ; 夏季從6月持續到9月,
炎熱潮濕, 很多韓國人選擇度假 ; 秋季從9月持續到11月, 天氣溫和, 是旅行的好季節。

5.how many days is all depends on your flight time and also where u go. If u take the mid night flight,e.g.hkg-icn depart at 00:20am arrive at 04:55am. and u'll only go to one theme park. i think 4D3N is enough. Otherwise maybe 5D4N is better.

6. 駛費 like hkg...compare with japan...is cheaper...compare with thailand...is higher...1 day hkd1000 for expend shld be enough..u can also bring at least 1 credit card on hand. coz different brand of comestics..there r a big range of the price.

7.all trvl insurance is almost the same. try to ask yr agent or go to bank.
2009-07-08 8:29 pm
9月5日4夜 自由行package

standard twins no breakfast

Package Price:$2900+Tax$472/adult

景點資料要email 形式俾妳

旅遊保險五日 $143/adult,資料要email 形式俾妳

氣候 : 春夏秋冬四季分明,春、夏兩季較短。夏天為6月下旬至9月上旬,天氣炎熱、潮濕;秋天為9月中旬至11月,天氣清爽,紅葉處處;冬天為12月至3月中旬,天氣寒冷、多雪、乾燥;春天為3中旬月至6月中旬,天氣回暖,春花遍野。全年最熱的是8月份,平均溫度為攝氏19-27度。全年最寒冷的是1月,平均溫度於攝氏零下6度至攝氏8度。6、7、8月為雨季,以7 月的雨量最多。

有咩問題可以email 我[email protected]

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