Bank Reconciliation Question

2009-07-08 8:38 am
The cash book showed a debit bank bal of 76230.CB and bank statement disclosed the following:
1.Deposit amounting to$5650 had been entered in CB but had not credited by bank.
2.A cheques $1840 was unpresented.
3.the company had insturcted the bank to transfer $10000 from saving Acc to current Acc,the bank mistakenly madethe transfer in reverse.
4.Dividends of $930 credited by bank but not in CB.
5.Co. Acc with$5500,this being the receipts of a rates refund,this amount was recored ar payment on CB.
6.Adishonoured cheque for$2720 was shown on the Bank Statement but not in CB
7.Standing order of insurance$8250 not in CB but on bank statement.
8.A cutomer was entered $600 in CB.
*Show the necessary adjustment in the CB.
*Show a reconciliation statement with adjusted cash Bal

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回答 (2)

2009-07-12 4:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
On this question, only the G/L Balance of the Cash Book was

given as 76,230.

We still require the Balance as per Bank Statement at month end

before we can do the Bank Reconciliation.

This important figure is missing.
2009-07-10 12:57 am

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 13:17:27
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