
2009-07-08 7:06 am
1.a lunch box is made by metal

2.All i have to do first is buy a new dress


4.one of the most talked about problems "in" our schools

5.we are too busy on others studying

6.I just actually came here as a favor "to" a fri

7.The place where I live....

8,As students we can serve our country by studying hard and
Respect to our teachers

回答 (2)

2009-07-08 11:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Wrong. The correct sentence is "A lunch box is made of metal".
(Made by = 被某人制造;Made of = 由某物造成)

2. No they cannot be together. Correction: "All I have to do first is TO buy a new dress."
句子主语subject是 "All I have to do first",因为这不是一个人,不能直接用 buy 而只能用 be。be 之后应该用 to+infinitive。

3. Study 可以是名词也可以是动词,那么 studies 可能是衆数,也可能是 verb。當 studies 是名词时,比如 social studies,表示这学科是综合科,这里 social studies 就包括了人文学、考古、社会心理等等分科。

4. At school 指(某人)在学校做某事
In school 指地点在学校。

5. We are too busy studying other subjects.
We are too busy on other studies. 这两才对。

6. Do a favor for a friend = 給朋友一个人情。
Return a favor to (somebody) = 還人情
但没有 Give a favor to somebody, 只有 Do a favor for...
a favor to 通常跟一个 Verb, example: I have a favor to ask.

7. 有没有 where 都可以,还有一个用法:
The place where I live is surrounded by trees.
The place I live is surrounded by trees.
Where I live is surrounded by trees.

Come to where I currently live.
Come to the place where I currently live.
Come to the place I currently live.

8. 错。Correction: "As students we can serve our country by studying hard and respect our teacher." (Drop the preposition 'to')
參考: Myself
2009-07-11 9:35 pm
A lunch box is made of metal. <--------Clumsy!

Translate it into Chinese and you will know what I mean.

I would rephrase it this way-

The/my/her/that/his lunch box is made of metal.

Some lunch boxes ARE made of metal.

2009-07-11 13:36:33 補充:
The place I live is surrounded by trees.<----------Mistake

The place I live "IN" is surrounded by trees.

I live the place<-------This is the mistake!

2009-07-11 13:37:30 補充:
All I have to do first is TO buy a new dress.<---------

"TO" is optional in this sentence!

2009-07-11 13:38:38 補充:
Do a favor for a friend = 給朋友一个人情<--------Clumsy!

Do your friend a favour/favor.<---------More natural!

2009-07-11 13:39:01 補充:
Do ME a favour, please. <------Common expression

2009-07-11 13:42:26 補充:
Correction: "As students we can serve our country by studying hard and respect our teacher." (Drop the preposition 'to') Mistake!

BY<---- studying hard and RESPECTING our teachers.

As students,<----------( To make it clearer, we should use a comma.)

2009-07-11 13:47:47 補充:
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2009-07-11 13:49:25 補充:
All I have to do first is TO buy a new dress.<---------

"TO" is optional in this sentence!

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