
2009-07-08 4:33 am
我想去澳洲讀nursing, 但我成績唔係好好, 只得中五加五科pass, 朋友建議我讀TAFE, 見TAFE入面有個cert. IV (一年制)之後上一個叫" Bachelor of Nursing" (二年制)嘅course, 某澳洲機構話呢個course係RN,但 TAFE比一般U, 係咪差d?讀完會唔會無人請?我想留响澳洲做嘢, 但如果無人請就要返香港, 咁香港嘅試, 係咪又好難考嘅呢?謝謝回答, 請盡量詳細。

係咪真係RN course, 返到香港又係咪可以考RN呢?

回答 (3)

2009-07-13 8:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
First off, TAFE is not an university, TAFE is something like vocational college in Hong Kong.

我想去澳洲讀nursing, 但我成績唔係好好, 只得中五加五科pass, 朋友建議我讀TAFE, 見TAFE入面有個cert. IV (一年制)之後上一個叫" Bachelor of Nursing" (二年制)嘅course, 某澳洲機構話呢個course係RN,但 TAFE比一般U, 係咪差d?

The qualification of RN is assessed by ANMC in Australia, not assessed by any education authority. If your course can lead to RN, they could usually satisified the guildline setted by ANMC, but if they do not, then you need to do supplimentry examination to obtain RN certification.

The cert IV course is EN Course (Enrolled Nurse) not RN.

我想留响澳洲做嘢, 但如果無人請就要返香港, 咁香港嘅試, 係咪又好難考嘅呢?

Nurse is now in dired amount of necessity, it is not hard to get a job in Australia. However, to get the qualification is hard, this is why courses turned out less and less nurse in Australia.

係咪真係RN course, 返到香港又係咪可以考RN呢?

Even if you get RN in NSW (you cannot use your RN in one state to another state) you need to get bridging exam if you want to practices nursing in other state.

You'll need to get a bridging course and pass a bridging exam if you want to practice nursing in HK.
2009-07-20 6:26 am
我個妹都想2010年入讀澳洲的護士學校, 於是我找了些資料,供你參考. 是澳洲的官方網頁, 裡面記錄的學校是最正確的, 及有更多相關資訊.

2009-07-08 9:59 am
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