got forwarded to??點解

2009-07-07 8:55 pm
Watching the governor of South Carolina cry like a little girl because his sexy e-mails got forwarded to his local newspaper, the State, made me wonder whether the real secret to a lasting marriage lies in limiting your means of escape.

got forwarded to 點解

go forward 係一個phrase,如果forward 加左ed有乜方別

回答 (5)

2009-07-07 10:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"forward" 在這裏用作動詞 (verb),解 [轉寄],加 ed 變成 past participle, 是 passive voice,所以是 [被轉寄],再加 to,便成 [被轉寄去]。
所以:got forwarded to 解作 [被轉遞去],即 [被轉寄去]。
"go forward" 的 forward,是副詞 (adverb),解 [向前],去修飾個動詞 "go" 。 所以,"go forward 解 [向前去]。
2009-07-07 10:29 pm
got forwarded to係 = 獲得轉交

Watching the governor of South Carolina cry like a little girl because his sexy e-mails got forwarded to his local newspaper, the State, made me wonder whether the real secret to a lasting marriage lies in limiting your means of escape. = 看著南卡羅來納州州長哭像一個小女孩,因為他的性感的電子郵件轉發給了他的當地報紙,國家,我想知道的真正秘訣在於持久婚姻的限制你的逃生途徑
參考: me
2009-07-07 10:20 pm
got forwarded to = 被轉寄到

forward加左 ed 因為係被動式
2009-07-07 9:44 pm
Got forwarded to : (email) 被轉寄到....

Go forward = 向前走

Got forwardED = 被轉寄, 被動式 (passive voice),所以 forward 要加 ed
2009-07-07 9:07 pm

參考: myself

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