
2009-07-07 7:42 pm
我是一位Receptionist, 有時候需要講英文。。。
我接到一通電話是找某人同事或老闆, 可是他們是走開了自己位子,但不是沒有上班,那麽我應該怎麽說?

1)Sorry, he is not around. / He is not in his desk. (should I use Desk as his 位子?)
請問有比較 Proper 或禮貌一點的英文嗎?我想註明他會很快回到位子。

2)如果他行開落咗樓下吸煙, 很快就會回來。應該怎麽說?

因爲有時候是同事找同事。。 都需要講英文。

回答 (5)

2009-07-13 4:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1)Sorry, he is not around. / He is not in his desk. (should I use Desk as his 位子?)
比較 Proper 或禮貌一點的英文, 想註明他會很快回到位子:
Excuse me, he is not at his desk, but I guess he will be around soon. Please leave your number or message and I will advise him to get back to you as soon as possible.

2)如果他行開落咗樓下吸煙, 很快就會回來。應該怎麽說?
Excuse me, he is not around but he will get back in a minute. Shall I ask him to call you back upon his return?
參考: Myself
2009-07-15 5:11 am
For case (1), you can say:

Sorry, he / she is not at his seat at the moment but will be back soon. You may call him / her after a while. =]

(if the caller says "thank you" for your answer, you should reply "you are welcome" (=唔駛客氣))

For case (2), you can say:
Sorry, he / she is not at office but will be back soon. You may call him / her after a while. =]

(if the caller says "thank you" for your answer, you should reply "you are welcome" (=唔駛客氣))
2009-07-07 10:16 pm
"Sorry, he is not around for the moment."
"He's not out of office right now. He will be back in a minute. May I take a message for him/her?"

This is more polite. (And I think you don't necessarily need to tell the others that he/she is smoking.)
參考: Own
2009-07-07 10:15 pm
1. Don't say he's not IN his desk. Should say "He's not AT his desk"

2. Yes, never tell that "he went smoking"!!!
2009-07-07 8:44 pm
1)Sorry, he is not around. / He is not in his desk. (should I use Desk as his 位子?)
請問有比較 Proper 或禮貌一點的英文嗎?我想註明他會很快回到位子。

1. he's not here but he's coming back...

2.he/she is smoking down stairs,he/she is coming back.
參考: myself

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