agreement (contract)
An agreement, convention, or promise of two or more parties, by deed in writing, signed, and delivered, by which either of the parties pledges himself to the other that something is either done, or shall be done, or shall not be done, or stipulates for the truth of certain facts. (Source: WESTS)"
合約 (contract) 的最簡單的定義是: 一份在法律上可強制執行的協議 (agreement). 但不是所有協議都有法律效力.
兩人之間的一次社交 (午餐) 的安排, 就是協議, 若單方面取消, 另一方是不能向失約一方採取法律行動的, 因為該協議在法律上不被承認為有效的.
再者, 一份簡單的合約中, 雙方必須訂出各自應付出的代價(consideration); 否則該合約屬無效.
一份合約必需符合以下六項元素: Offer, Acceptance, Consideration, Capacity to contract, legality and Intention to create legal relation.
参考: 保險原理及實務研習手冊