I'm fluent English US citizen. Is there teaching job I can fill by Tokyo, Japan without bachelors degree?

2009-07-07 6:31 am

回答 (12)

2009-07-07 6:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You need good English to teach English. You also need to be a native speaker. And you need a four year degree to teach in Japan. If you go to the site below and click on visas, it will tell you what you need to work in Japan.
Sure, you can find work on a tourist visa if you're lucky. But it's not legal. When they catch you you would be arrested and deported, and not allowed back in the country for at least 5 years.
參考: www.mofa.go.jp
2009-07-07 8:28 am
Nope, sorry but it is true you need to have a 4 yr degree
2009-07-07 8:26 am
Of all Asian countries, Japan is probably the strictest with its teachers' qualifications. I know you can get a teaching job in China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Korea, etc. even if you don't have a bachelor's degree (many like native speakers and are willing to overlook the qualification part). But Japan is one country who will look at and verify qualifications before hiring teachers.I am not sure if it's a popular thing in Japan, but if you really want to teach English but don't have a degree, maybe you can think about opening a language center where groups of people can "practice" English in an non-classroom setting - because you're not technically teaching, I don't think you need a degree
2009-07-07 6:39 am
Since the Japanese are paying workers to leave the country, it may be difficult to find a position.
They are trying to keep the few jobs left for themselves.
2009-07-07 7:13 am
You need a college degree or 10 year experience in the your job to get working visa of Japan.

If you don't have a degree, you need 10 year experience of teaching.
2009-07-09 4:49 am
I had a friend who came to japan to teach italian without a BA. She found a job but couldn't get visa sponsership because of the degree thing, so if you are married to someone in Japan maybe you can eventually find something (probably part time). It kind of sucks and kind of makes sense. I think there should be some more exceptions allowed for someone with a lot of skill but thats the way modern society works :-( . You could also come to Japan to study at Temple and work a part time job to pay for it until you graduate?
2009-07-07 7:48 pm
Not if you want to work legally. A Japanese work visa requires a 4-year degree (any subject).
2009-07-07 8:48 am
Good luck finding a teaching job in Japan that will provide you enough to live on! Most of the teachers with degrees have semi-full time positions and help out at the smaller schools part-time. Would you be able to live on a part-time salary? To get a visa for Japan, you would need a sponsor, who signs you to a contract and vouches for you. They definitely require a bachelors degree.
2016-05-22 5:08 pm
Any degree will do but if you see a long term future in teaching, it is best to do a teaching related degree (no need to waste money on studying a degree in say Mechanical Engineering which will end up been useless if you see teaching as your long term future) I don't think you can take an online course to get a TESOL certificate - you need to do it the normal way
2009-07-09 2:39 pm
Only if you have a spouse visa and can be lucky enough to find a place that would hire you or do strictly privates and part time.. You would not qualify for a work visa without a degree and Americans cannot get Working Holiday visas.

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