If you had to learn a language?

2009-07-06 6:48 pm
which one would you learn?

回答 (32)

2009-07-06 6:50 pm
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I think I would actually pick Chinese, it would be cool to learn
2009-07-06 6:58 pm
Korean,Chinese, Japanese, or Spanish because for me it easy to learn this language rather than others.
2009-07-06 6:52 pm
2009-07-07 1:12 pm
2009-07-06 7:26 pm
English. Although I am learning English now, but my English is still needed to be improved.
2009-07-06 7:09 pm
Not sure which one, probably one of the Germanic ones because they are pretty influential in Business and in Northern Europe, some Germanic languages are: English, German, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, etc. but I think I'd learn Frisian because although not many people speak it, I feel it'd still be nice to learn because it is from the same origins as English and I really admire the Frisian culture and people too.
2009-07-06 6:56 pm
I started learning Latin in middle school, added German and then French (yes, I took all three languages at once) in High School. In college I took Mandarin Chinese (the language spoken by most of the people in the world, actually). I've also studied Russian, and can translate most Spanish and Italian because of the Latin. During high school, I had to do an oral translation from French to English one day. I did it, but when I looked at the class, they all looked shocked. My teacher told me I'd done the translation perfectly, except had translated not from French to English, but French to Latin. Oops. I still got an A for the translation, but had to do a written French to English translation, too, to be sure I could actually do that translation.
2009-07-06 6:53 pm
Both Irish Gaelic and Welsh. They would help me to delve deeper into Celtic languages, Celtic culture, cultural history and music.
2009-07-06 6:53 pm
Since I live in the US i am learning Spanish because there is a lot of Spanish speakers here (but I always wanted to learn Japanese)
2009-07-06 6:53 pm
If I had to learn a language I would learn English, because I'm Brazilian...

2009-07-06 6:52 pm
Chinese, Japanese, or Spanish because I think they would be the most useful as a lot of people speak those languages.

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