
2009-07-06 11:47 pm
壯陽的英文係咩ah? 我搵yahoo dictionary 都無既

其實我係想問如果問人:你係咪食得太多壯陽食品 成句英文點講

回答 (4)

2009-07-07 2:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
Fortifying yang
參考: me~
2009-07-07 6:37 am
sexual stamina enhancement
2009-07-07 12:47 am
你好,我只知道动词 (verb) 吧了,那就是 invigorate / strengthen / fortify Yang 咯。
希望能帮到你咯。。。: )

2009-07-07 09:16:56 補充:

1) Did you eat / have too much food that/which invigorates / strengthens / fortifies Yang?

2009-07-07 09:21:20 補充:
由于 Yahoo 知识 + 出了一点问题,所以我不能补充我的解答,请发问者看以下。

1) Did you eat / have too much food that/which invigorates / strengthens / fortifies Yang?

2009-07-07 09:21:40 補充:
2) Did you eat / have too much food that/which invigorates / strengthens / fortifies Yang, didn't you?

3) Didn't you eat / have too much food that/which invigorates / strengthens / fortifies Yang, did you?
2009-07-07 12:32 am
壯陽的英文 is translation !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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