How do I add a registration form to my website?

2009-07-06 2:02 am
I am planning a charity event that I would like people to be able to register for online.
I need them to be able to fill in their name, address etc.

How many people will be attending and list the names of the participants.

I need it to calculate the cost (based on number attending) and be able to send it to paypal for processing.

I would like all the information to show up in a spread sheet. Is this way over my head? Is there a program that can do this? Thanks for any help you can offer.

回答 (4)

2009-07-06 9:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
Go to and download the zip file: it has everything you need to make a login system using Php and mysql.
Dreamweaver won't do it, nor just a plain "form".
The code above will only give you the registration, that is, a list of names, passwords, email and addresses.
You will then need to set-up another table for your bookings:
The user register first, then books: the booking table only has the username and booking dates.
For the display, you can show the contents of the bookings on the screen with a combi of Php, mysql and HTML.
If you want the output to be a spreadsheet, you will have to use all the spredsheet function in Php (quite complex).

Sorry, I can't do it for free...
2009-07-06 9:19 am
You might be able to achieve what you need with the Wufoo form:
2009-07-06 9:18 am
Dreamweaver is the easiest way to do this and your host has have mysql its really complex but fastest way that is done without knowing anything its dreamweaver.
I could do this but I will charge for it. Contact me to agree on the price, I can can do it in less than a week.

Reply to (just "JR"):
Yes Dreamweaver can do all that but you don't know how to do it. Dreamweaver can connect with MySQL databases really easily and do log in processes, and record sets and conditional forms automatically.
參考: Experience.
2009-07-06 9:10 am can make php forms then you will get them in your email. Then you can manually put them in a spread sheet.

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