I need to know an easy way to set up an FTP for a client?

2009-07-06 12:07 am
I have a very small website that I am building for a writer coach. She needs her clients to be able to upload files so that she can review them. Is there an easy way to set this up? I have heard of yousendit.com, but I don't want the clients to have to pay to upload files... any ideas? Thanks.

How about a form that once you hit the submit button, the client receives an email with an attachment. Is that hard (i.e. mailTo: with an attachment) that's wht the client wants.

回答 (4)

2009-07-08 4:59 am
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A submit form with all the relevant information and an add attachment button is what you could use.

Use a server-side script language if your web site allows it. Otherwise, you will have to use a client-side dependent "mailto:" action to get the form info sent to you.

Just use any of the below sites to make the workable form you need:

For making forms:

These are really good online form makers. Just follow the instructions for making it and uploading file(s).

http://www.phpform.org/ (Best-est)
http://jotform.com/ (WYSIWYG Form Maker)
http://www.reconn.us/content/view/12/34/ (Download - Contact Us Script)

Your current hosting package must allow SMTP ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_Mail_Transfer_Protocol ) to work. Otherwise, no email can be sent.
參考: If she needs the files online then you need a Content Management System (CMS). Free CMS: http://www.pligg.com/ http://www.dotnetnuke.com/ http://drupal.org/ http://opensourcecms.com/ http://www.joomla.org/ http://www.opensourcecms.com/ Pligg.com seems right. Ron
2009-07-06 1:54 am
In order for her clients to upload her the files, the clients will need to have an FTP client installed on their computer. FTP client is used to transfer files from one location to a server. Unless her clients know how to use FTP (or you provide instructions on how to do it), it might not be a good idea.

Also, you will need to create a separate FTP account on the server for her clients because the last thing you want is her clients logging into the main FTP account and start tampering with the webfiles (accidentally or not). If the website is hosted with a web host, contact them to see if multiple FTP accounts is support. If yes, then you'd set it up like you would for a subdomain with FTP privileges.

If you don't want to go the FTP route, then I'd say signup for a Gmail account and get her clients to email the files. However, the problem with this is file size (ie. you need to know the size of the files that her clients will be sending her). Email afterall is not designed for file transfer.

Another way to achieve what you want is to setup a blog, ie. WordPress. Then, have her register each of her clients. With WordPress you can set the users at different levels: subscriber, author, administrator, editor, etc. Just give the users write-only rights (ie. either Author or Contributor). This way, her clients can login and submit their work via the blog. Your client can then go to the blog to review their work. With Wordpress, her clients and include images, videos, etc. with their posts and it's as easy as typing their documents in Word or other word processors.
2009-07-06 12:19 am
Try Filezilla--it's free.

There's both a server and the client.

Just install the FTP server on the machine that will act as the file server, and each client would need an FTP client to connect to the FTP server to upload files. If they don't already have one, you can suggest they use the Filezilla client since it's free.

2009-07-06 12:17 am
You can download a free FTP server that the client can connect to upload their files.

A great example would be FileZilla, both a FTP client and server are offered. Absolutely free of course! You can download it at filezilla-project.org

Good luck!

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