How much did you make /hour when you got hired as web designer?

2009-07-05 8:30 pm
I wanna know! I mean, when you first began doing it.

Dani, you're a stranger, and this is an option for people who are willing to answer.....

回答 (4)

2009-07-05 8:57 pm
The real question is to consider what you're worth, compared to others. Look at other professions, too. I assume you're looking at a web project to do... Don't make the mistake of underbidding or you may be ignored as not understanding the work. If you believe you have the skills to do a thorough job and even can add some added quality to it, then don't approach the job as a "newbie"... Certainly, don't bid on the work using an hourly rate that unskilled people earn... If the specifications are all available, you might consider bidding for the entire job with a maximum payment. This lets the customer budget better than paying hourly. Also, don't make the mistake of bidding for a project using an hourly rate that an employee would make. Contractors must earn much more because there is no administrative overhead for them.
2009-07-06 8:05 am
You can check freelance websites like , , ,etc .
2009-07-05 10:43 pm
For my first project, I charged CA$1200. I try not to charge by the hour. Rather, I'll sit down with my client prior to starting the project and make sure I fully understand what s/he needs. Then I'll draft a proposal and a contract listing everything that I will do and the expected delivery date. I then charge according to what's on the list and how rush to project is. I find that people are happier with this rather than per hour charges. Some people will think that a designer is purposely working slower to charge more...when you're working on a website, that's the last thing you want to worry about. Also, the only way to make more money is if you deliver the product fast (so you can take on more projects). If you charge by the hour, you tend not to work as fast as you can.
2009-07-05 8:38 pm
i am giving $10/ hour to my developer

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