How can i make my website fit everybody screen like the others?

2009-07-05 7:48 pm
Hello i am having a hard time making my website were it will fit everybody screen like people with a wide screen monitor and it would center it self i made my website 800 by 600 pixels and i made it in Adobe Fireworks Cs4. Please reply if you can tell me how to do this or fix it were it will fit on everybody screen.

I also have Adobe Dreamweaver cs4

回答 (3)

2009-07-05 7:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I know how to do it, however, implementing the fix will depend on what was done to create the site to begin with. email me directly with the url: [email protected]
2009-07-05 10:48 pm
The easiest way is to define the site in % rather than in pixels. This way, your website will be rendered according to the visitor's browser size, in the % you've specified. For example, instead of width: "800px", you can use width="95%" align="center". This means that the item will take up 95% of the visitor's screen and will be centered.
2009-07-05 7:56 pm
Your "FireWorks CS4" may or may not have an option for dynamic resizing.

This can be implemented in scripting languages such as javascript.

If you need to know where you can go to learn programming languages for free, feel free to email me.

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