website design help plzzzz?

2009-07-05 6:45 pm
Ive run into a horrible rut on designs for my websites, everything i do ether looks boring or just doesn't look good, any one have some ideas or tips to get me out of this?

回答 (9)

2009-07-05 6:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
try to get some design ideas and see power of CSS from sites like:
2009-07-05 7:22 pm
it would help if you provided examples of your work.
2009-07-05 6:51 pm
First of all, designs aren't just magical animals that rear their ugly heads the second you put pen to paper. It takes a lot of time and effort to come up with a design that works and then build it.

Look at other similar designs for ideas and adapt your own to suit, but don't think one design is a complete failure, scrap it and start again. Build one design, be your own worst critic, get others to critique it for you and then build upon that information to make it even better.
2009-07-05 6:56 pm
try to get some design ideas and see power of CSS from sites like:
2009-07-05 6:50 pm
Design better...or practice more.

2009-07-06 2:00 am
check out web designs by professionals. One site I visit quite often is It gives me inspiration on colors, layouts, flash, etc.
2009-07-05 8:57 pm
Whenever this happens to me I have to take a break for a few days. Don't look at or think about websites during that time. It's very hard to do for me but when I need to get our of a slump, this seems to help. And I've tried all sorts of stuff.
2009-07-05 7:29 pm
webdesigns tips and tricks
2009-07-05 6:50 pm
Try using JAVA FX from

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