What's the best way for a complete novice to learn how to develop websites using wordpress?

2009-07-05 6:38 pm
I really want to be able to create websites using wordpress - it seems like a great, versitile package and I have lots of web ideas I would love to be able to bring to life myself without having to employ a developer.

However, I have never built a website in my life, and my college only seems to offer html and dreamweaver training.

Where can I find a good learning package that spells things out in a way a novice like me can understand? And would there be any benefit in me doing the html training at my college?

Thanks very much!

回答 (8)

2009-07-05 6:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you can start experimenting your design from www.webs.com. Doing this, you will also learn html and css.

Create your own website for FREE!

Use easy website builder to create a personal, group, or small business website easily.
2016-04-04 1:10 pm
Just find a good wordpress theme then start posting/blogging
2014-08-04 4:34 pm
Hi there,
get Wordpress for free here http://bit.ly/1xTAqL2
I guess it's the sotware you need.
Bye Bye
2009-07-08 12:20 am
You can check once in my blog to get started with blogging. Check my post "Blogging Product Reviews" in Make Money Blogging Category.
參考: http://earnmoneyonlinehub.com - Get Online Money Making Tips
2009-07-06 2:05 am
Unless you're using WordPress on your own domain, you will not be able to do much with the free WordPress.com account except to blog. When you install WordPress onto your own domain, you have more control over the themes and plugins. There are tons of themes out there that is of non-conventional blog layout - ie. no column, photoblog, video blog, magazine-style etc. I use WordPress to create websites for my clients all the time.

You will need to know the basics of HTML and CSS to customize WordPress themes. Some PHP might be useful, but you can always just refer to the WordPress Codex and get the correct codes from there.

If you're serious about designing websites using WordPress, I'd say the first thing you need is a hosting account that you can install and play with WordPress.
2009-07-05 7:12 pm
Yes, the benefits for html training will be great but in my opinion you can learn as much or more from taking the free online training available at w3schools.com.

I love to use wordpress myself. The system is great and very customizable even for novices.

Start by learning html/xhtml and css. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is the web language that supports html by telling web browsers what to do with the page designs.

Install a program on your computer to serve php scripts. I use WAMP server. This allows me to deploy wordpress on my computer, edit my templates and view the changes before I put them on my web host. The web host is what lets you make wordpress available to the internet with a domain name..ie. www.yourwebsite.com.

Wordpress is free from wordpress.org. Download it, extract it into a folder named "wordpress" or whatever you want to name it. Place that folder into the servers root directory. For my wamp server it is named "wamp" on the c: drive.

Instructions for installing wordpress are located at wordpress.org.
2009-07-05 6:47 pm
First off Wordpress makes blogs. The way I did it was forums on the Wordpress website, and I practiced. Once you get the hang of it it's really easy.


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