what is the easiest to learn PHP or ASP.NET?

2009-07-05 4:13 pm
I want to do some freelancing job what is the best & easiest technology to start with?? asp.net or php?? thanks for your time

回答 (5)

2009-07-05 4:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Personally, I thought ASP .NET was easier to start with. Microsoft has a fairly good website with information on getting started and understanding how to use the features.
2009-07-05 4:18 pm
its php
2009-07-06 2:10 am
If you're doing freelancing, I'd say go with PHP just because it's still cheaper to host PHP than ASP.NET - many clients would prefer the cost-saving PHP. When working freelance, it's all about what the clients want (ie. what would get you more jobs).
2009-07-05 4:22 pm
PHP is great and easy, though ASP.NET can do more.
In your case i'd go with PHP.
2017-01-18 9:35 am
uncomplicated? own dwelling house page. greater advantageous? ASP.internet. own dwelling house page is the main least puzzling to learn. ASP.internet is a soreness to learn. I spent 2 days reckoning on a thank you to connect with a database and nevertheless have not discovered it. own dwelling house page is a lot greater ordinary. coming up ASP.internet is loose on dwelling house windows. seen Studio is a impressive IDE. The community is wonderful for ASP.internet. between the downsides to ASP.internet is which you an use lots of languages. C#, seen undemanding.internet, IronPython, IronRuby, own dwelling house page.internet etc. it relatively is not uncomplicated to discover good tutorials for all the languages. An upside is that ASP.internet is a lot greater guard then own dwelling house page. learn own dwelling house page in case you opt to construct own web sites. learn ASP.internet in case you pick a activity interior the destiny.

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