What domain is better, .COM or .ORG? Details inside...?

2009-07-05 4:13 pm
I am in the process of building a wiki site that will serve a large group of people. In the future, I may want to monetize it with advertising.

If I own both the .COM and .ORG extensions of my chosen domain, which is better to use, since its a group collaboration project (I am the only member of the group so far) but in the future it may become more of a business?

回答 (8)

2009-07-05 4:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Com if it is for profit and org if it is for non-profit!
2009-07-05 4:19 pm

all the peoples tries .com first
2016-11-08 8:48 am
in terms of growing to be money out of your internet site, i'd recommend putting classified ads on your internet site. it quite is uncomplicated to do and unfastened whilst utilizing Google Adsense or value Junction. For Adsense, you gets a commission all people time somebody clicks a link. For value Junction, you gets a commission whilst somebody selects an advert and makes a purchase order. needless to say, it quite is extra fruitful in case you have lots of site visitors into your internet site... yet it quite is yet another subject matter altogether:)
2009-07-06 2:13 am
.com, it is easier for people to remember .com than .org

When people are guessing a URL, they generally try the .com version first. For example, if someone asks you to go to a website called "mysite", your first try would be "mysite.com", right?
2009-07-05 8:16 pm
While there are many to choose from .com is the oldest and most widely known extension. Stick with the dot com, however, you'll probably only want to design 1 site and either redirect from the other
2009-07-05 4:36 pm
.ORG is for a non-profit organisation. .COM Is used for worldwide communication wether it be selling or just purely world wide information.
2009-07-05 4:19 pm
Go with .org if the site is only a not for profit wiki.
If you plan on selling products, use .com
2009-07-05 4:17 pm
.ORG is generally used for not-for-profit firms; stick with .COM

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