90% of what number is 252?

2009-07-05 11:47 am
i have no idea how to do this one and i really need topass my test or i fail

回答 (15)

2009-07-05 11:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
280 -10% = 252
2009-07-05 6:54 pm
= 252/(90%/100%)
= 252/(9/10)
= 252(10/9)
= 2,520/9 or 280

Answer: 280
2009-07-05 6:54 pm
252 ÷ 90%
= 252 ÷ 90/100
= 252 x 100/90
= 252 x 10/9
= (252 x 10)/9
= 2520/9
= 280
2009-07-05 6:53 pm
90/100 × X = 252
X = 252 × 100/90 = 280
2009-07-05 7:52 pm
90% x ___ = 252
------ = 252 / 90 %
____ = 252 / 90/100
____ = 252 x 100/9
------- = 280
2009-07-05 7:09 pm
90%x = 252

x = 252/90%

x = 252/0.90 = 280
2009-07-05 7:08 pm
252 divided by .9 = 280

try to remember this formula:

Percentage= Base x Rate
Base= Percentage Divided by Rate
Rate= Percentage Divided by Base
2009-07-05 7:08 pm
This is the easy way to look at a word problem like this. Before the steps, you have to convert the 90% to a number without the percent. All you have to do is divide the percent by 100.

90/100 = 0.9

Now, for word problems...anytime you see the word "of", it means to multiple. Anytime you see the word "is", it means equal to.

We will let x represent the number we are looking for.

Therefore, 0.9 times x = 252

0.9x = 252

Now isolate x by dividing both sides by 0.9

x = 252/0.9

x = 280
2009-07-05 7:04 pm
90/100 x A=252
A=(252)/ (90/100)=280
2009-07-05 6:56 pm
Divide 252 into 9 parts.
So, each is 28.
Now, add 28 to 252.
= 280.

Now, check.
0.9*280 = 252.

So, that's right.

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