What are the odds of me having a baby boy?

2009-07-05 8:59 am
I've only had sisters, and a lot of people tell me that I will only have boys. Which doesn't matter to me, i love boys.

Do you think i have greater chances because my mother had only girls?

回答 (13)

2009-07-05 9:04 am
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50/50 simple
2009-07-05 4:02 pm
Nope, 50/50 no matter what. Nothing alters the chance. Your mother could have 100 girls and the chance would still be 50/50.
參考: Basic biology
2009-07-05 4:08 pm
The man decides the sex of the baby. Your eggs are only X chromosomes, his sperm are either X or Y so it all depends on which sperm reaches your egg first. What your mother had doesn't come into play in this picture. It all depends on your husband.
2009-07-05 4:03 pm
50/50 it does not matter what anyone in your family had..my g-ma had a girl first,my mom a boy,me a girl,you just cant tell whats gonna happen : )
2009-07-05 4:03 pm
50/50 chance of either gender
2009-07-07 4:17 am
No but there are certain things you can do to increase your chances of having a boy, such as:
Eating more Calories
Eating more breakfast foods
Eating lots of bananas
Eating salty foods
2009-07-05 6:18 pm
you have to look at the baby's father's side...are there more boys than girls? If there are significantly more boys than girls on the baby's father's side, then the chances of you having a boy will be higher (like the other poster said, the Y chromosome comes from the father).
2009-07-05 4:08 pm
No it's the mans genes that determine the sex of the baby x
2009-07-05 4:06 pm
In fact there is slightly more chance of having a girl. may be 0.0001 per cent. think it has something to do with more girls die before they reach adult hood.
2009-07-05 4:05 pm
Fifty four percent boy against forty six percent girl. But you have a 4 percent change that a boy dies sooner than a girl. Just because they are boys. So that at ± 21, there are 44 boys for every 44 girls.

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