急求留學agents {20分}

2009-07-05 12:43 pm
有冇d agents可以幫到我

回答 (2)

2009-07-06 12:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望到你丫=]
1) 你可以睇下而家有冇英國留學既exhibition, 因為呢, 有時佢地會即刻收人既係個exhibition度, 只要show你既result俾佢地睇就可以了, 如果你真係好desparate 咁去的話, 你可以用呢個方法既...
2) 你可以試搵academic asia 幫你攪, 不過我都唔知佢地會唔會幫你做, 你打左個電話去問佢地先啦... 再唔係你上去佢地個web site度睇一睇, 佢地可能仲會有少少位既... 你問一問先啦...
>> www.academic-asia.com/
希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]
2009-07-11 1:05 am
我今年九月會去UK,但係我新年時已經搞ga la ...怒我直言你而家搞一定唔會有gd school 收,becuase they close there entry application nearly one year ago.... 即使入到都未必入到good school !Actually do you really need to go to UK that fast ? But I know the EARLIEST education expo will held in 19-21 SEPTEMBER .....by academicasia. Although your chance is really low ><,you may try to call the agent ask for opinion (is free) . :)
Hope it may help ^^

2009-07-10 17:07:48 補充:
The expo that i mention is only held by academicasia ! so u may try to find another exhibition held by other company !!!
參考: self experience

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