
2009-07-05 9:48 am
What are the reason that people love listening to music?


journal or newspaper 都得..都係要英文...

Thank you very much!!!><

回答 (3)

2009-07-05 5:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
China Daily Hong Kong Edition
By Xiao Hao 2009-07-02

Remember the time — you discovered the King of Pop

I loved Michael Jackson before I even listened to his songs or saw his photo.

Back in the early 1980s, my friends and I, in junior high, were still listening to cheesy ballads and synthetic disco from Taiwan, considered as outlandish then as wearing jeans. We longed for American pop, but had to wait until high school to get our hands on a tape called American Pop that included John Denver, The Carpenters, and Doris Day’s Que Sera Sera.

Even though we doubted the tape’s pop-ness, we worshipped the songs. In chorus competition, my class did serious rounds of Puff The Magic Dragon. Every guitar afficionado in school could pluck Take Me Home, Country Road. In English class we learned to sing Yesterday Once More.

But it was Michael we wanted to hear most. The ‘80s was a time when China’s youth was unabashedly pro-American. Many in the big cities may have had their ideological reasons; but for high schoolers in Chengdu, America simply represented progress, freedom and above all, hip-swinging ecstatic pop! We devoured news tidbits about the Western pop world — what an exciting pantheon of gods with Jackson as the King!
2009-07-05 4:20 pm


2009-07-05 2:04 pm
Try to do a Google Search using the following key words:

-influence of music on people

-influence of music on youth

-influence of music on children

-influence of music on culture

-influence of music on society

-influence of music on learning

-influence of music on emotions

-influence of music on behavior

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