I don't want my Jenine but I don't have solution to get rid of it what method of abortion without doctor?help?

2009-07-05 7:34 am
I want help to loss my Jenine(Fetus) but without doctor and as fast as you con I can't keep it

回答 (15)

2009-07-05 7:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
I can't believe this.

Eat a bullet. It's a surefire way to not only abort the "fetus", but will also prevent it from happening again.
參考: My disgust.
2009-07-05 7:48 am
give it up for adoption.. although u dont know how lucky you are to be pregnant.. its hard for me to concieve.. id really like a child
2009-07-05 7:38 am
There is no safe way to get rid of it you will need to go to the doctor.
2009-07-05 7:44 am
ignore the guy who said drink 2x cups of bleach!!! it'll make you extremely ill & wont do the job. please see a doctor - or go to the hospital clinic. doctors are keep everything private & confidential - even from family or partners. this can be a matter discussed only between you & your doctor - you are safe. please take care of yourself & talk it through with a doctor or nurse maybe. make sure you know all your options before you decide abort - however you decide to do it.
2009-07-05 8:00 am
first of all it is your body and you could do whatever you please, but if you do not want to get pregnant than close your legs! you will have to go to the doctor, no other way around it. If you were mature enough to have sex and get pregnant then you should be mature enough to go to a doctor. If you try to kill your child yourself you will be risking your own life as well, and this idea in my mind is even worse then having an actual abortion, you are willing you kill your child yourself, rather then seek professional help, that is just plain disgusting. If you CAN'T keep it, why not give it to a family who can't have their own children, or the least you can do is go to the doctor.....Grow Up.
2009-07-05 7:39 am
why would you want to do something like that it's just wrong. why dont you just have the baby and give it up for adoption
2009-07-05 7:37 am
Drink 2 cups of bleach
2009-07-05 7:39 am
theres an abortion pill...you swallow it and it releases hormones to get rid of the fetus. (but it depends how far along in your pregnancy you are) but I think you have to get it from your dr. Or you can go to a free clinic (if you dont have insurance or the money)
& dont listen to people saying "ABORTION IS MURDER" its your body girl...they don't know your situation, they dont know your life, they dont know you! And they need to do more research and realize you cant "kill" something thats not living yet.

"I dont know you...but i'm going to judge you because you are making a very hard decision and you are not making the decision that I want you to make. You are disguisting and I hate you. How can you kill a couple of cells growing in your uterus? YOURE the one who messed up. Oh, and the guy who had sex with you? who cares. He can do whatever he wants cause he's a man & its not his responsibility. I don't know what situation you are in, & I don't care if your parents will disown you or you'll have to drop out of school for the year. You're a mean person!"
2009-07-05 11:38 am
Just because you're referring to your baby by a name suggests to me that you're quite far along (at least passed the first month or two), or was at least happy about being pregnant at some point. How far along are you? It might be a bit too late and too dangerous for an abortion. Are you having second thoughts because of nasty pregnancy symptoms (morning sickness, back pains, etc.)? If you really don't want to keep the baby for whatever reasons, the safest way is to consult your doctor or go to an abortion clinic for advice. You don't want to do anything to your body that would end up harming you more. Abortion or not, that your decision, but whatever you do make sure you do it the safe way.
2009-07-05 7:40 am
Go to planned parenthood and have it done safely. Or have it and give it up for adoption, there are plenty out there that want a newborn baby.

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