really painful braxton hicks?

2009-07-05 12:08 am
i was just reading about braxton hicks, it says they are uncomfortable but never painful. is this true?
only i had a few the other night and the following morning, and they were VERY painful, when i got them i could not speak while it lasted. they were not regular and have not had 1 since. im 34weeks

回答 (6)

2009-07-05 1:01 am
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Yes, they do get more and more uncomfortable - your baby should be getting close to your pelvic area, head-down. This creates more pressure on your pelvis so when you get braxton hicks, it sorta intensifies the sensations.
參考: 39-weeks already...can't wait till the braxton hicks turn into real contractions!
2009-07-05 12:17 am
mine r getting more uncomfortable as we have just been tightnings up til now but r starting to get a bit more stronger..

midwife told me to keep an eye on them,ive had no mucus plug or leakage so ill just see wat an appointment on monday anyway..
2009-07-05 12:16 am
Braxton Hicks can be painful but aren't always. They will be regular and will get closer together if it is labor. But pain like that should be reported to your doctor just in case.
2009-07-05 12:14 am
They can be painful once you ger closer to the due date. Some women go into the hospital thinking that they are in labour only to find out that it was braxton hicks and are sent home. It happened to my mom with my brother.
2009-07-05 8:10 am
well they hurt me, both this pregnancy and my last.
Some people say that they don't hurt...just like some people say that labour doesn't really hurt but others will disagree!

if they are not regular and you know its braxton hicks you will be drink and a nice warm bath or water bottle always helped me. My midwife told me to treat it like period pains and it worked.

Good luck x
參考: 37 weeks and 4 days pregnant with bambino no 2
2009-07-05 2:04 am
they can be painful. professionals just say that they're not supposed to because they want you to be on the safe side as there are other things that could be causing that type of pain, such as preterm labour.

i am sure that these are just braxton hicks though and not anything to worry about, as they sound too irregular.

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