Ugh when will the baby get off my blatter?

2009-07-04 11:55 pm
Im 4m pregnant and i have to pee every 10 to 5 minutes. I know this is a normal symptom but i thought it went away after the first trimester because the baby isent directly on your blatter anymore? I already have a weak blatter..

Lol i was wondering why it kept saying spelling error for "blatter" sorry


Lmao try not to kill yourself Amanda. Im sorry you were that ugly hated baby that not even a mother could love.

回答 (8)

2009-07-05 12:02 am
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It just gets worse believe me. I was always peeing alot, even earlier in my pregnancy, and now I am 33 weeks, and baby is really sitting on my bladder now, because she's getting so big. Its horrible, sometimes I feel like Im gonna loose control of my bladder, and I can just feel her kick it. lol fun fun. sorry, there's really not much you can do about it. Also, talk to your doctor, perhaps you want to get tested just to make sure you don't have a bladder infection or something. You probably don't, but that can cause a women to pee alot more than usual too, and its good to get checked out for that anyway, and if its negative, then you know for sure its just your baby pushing on your bladder. good luck.
2009-07-04 11:59 pm
The baby will only get bigger, it might go away, or it might get worse.

And its blaDDer, not blatter :)
2009-07-05 1:08 am
It does get worse. At least at 4m, the baby is still relatively small in size and it could be a hit or miss when s/he kicks. Even if baby's sitting on your bladder, at least it's a constant pressure and you just go more frequently. Once your baby gets bigger, every kick/punch/flip/whoosh will hit your bladder (giving it an extra shove) and you'll soon find yourself leaking...more often. To make myself feel better, I used the bathroom trips as opportunities to practice my kegels - very important as it helps strengthens your pelvic muscles - minimize tearing during labor and speed up recovery after labor (at least that's what my prenatal instructor said)
參考: 39-weeks
2009-07-05 12:21 am
The word is bladder. Frequent urination during pregnancy is not simply due to the baby pressing on the bladder. In early pregnancy there is the increased bladder pressure. After the 1st trimester the frequent urination is more due to the increased blood volume that you have. Your kidneys are working overtime and filtering more blood which means more urine, you may even notice more at night. This probably won't end until after birth. Im working on accepting this too
2009-07-05 12:11 am
it's not going to get any better im sorry to tell you. pretty soon you'll be peeing your pants. once your baby is out you will feel a lot better.
2009-07-05 12:03 am
Honestly you might wan to get used to it until the baby comes and even then you will still go often be bc it will be habit... Umm but don't slow on your fluid intake unless a Dr. says so bc it could be harmful to your unborn. (my sis did) umm try to sit in different positions. But sorry hun your basically going to have to get used to it.
參考: I was pregnant... Remember it all.. Be Patient!
2009-07-05 12:02 am
Im 25 weeks and my baby is still on mine.i think we have to have the baby to get them off our bladder. by the way bladder not blatter
參考: I'm with you on this one!
2009-07-04 11:58 pm
Sorry to say that it wont really get any better. I am 6 and a half months pregnant and I pee a lot as well. Soon, the baby will kick your bladder which is not fun.

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