How cold can it get in Canada?

2009-07-04 10:56 pm
i want to know how cold it can get?

回答 (13)

2009-07-04 11:01 pm
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In Montreal, cold enough for ice crystals to form inside your nose.
2009-07-05 3:45 am
Coldest temperature ever in Canada was -63 Celsius (-81 Fahrenheit) at Snag, Yukon on February 3, 1947.
2009-07-05 12:36 am
it depends on where in can be as cold as -40 in the North or on the Prairies, or as warm as +5 in BC. Generally, the closer you are to the ocean and the more south you are, the warmer it'll be.
2009-07-05 12:15 am
In Saskatchewan, we get at least a week of -40 degrees Celsius every winter, which sometimes feels colder because of the windchill. It gets hot (up to +40 degrees) in the summer, though!
2009-07-04 11:18 pm
In the north minus 50
2009-07-05 2:04 am
Depends on where in Canada you happen to be. In some places, 50 degrees below zero for months at a time. On the West Coast, only a few degrees below freezing in the middle of winter, for a short spell only.
2009-07-05 3:35 am
In Edmonton I once managed to get a car started, that had not been plugged in overnight, when it was -57F.

And it can be -40 there weeks at a time.

Otherwise look up the records on wikipedia.
2009-07-07 7:00 am
In the maritimes.. it can drop to temperatures of -35 degrees celcius(-31F).. plus the windchill. The windchill is the combination of windspeed and temperature and how the body perceives it.. which can be a killer lol.. but this only lasts a couple weeks in the winter.. but temperatures can reach +35C(+95F) in the summer months.. we learn to deal with it.. i love having all four seasons rather than just hot hot weather all year round.. i love the winter!
2009-07-05 6:29 am
Cold enough out west that your skin will freeze in 10 minutes in the winter. Don't move out west
2009-07-05 2:55 am
Cold enough to kill you. Fast. In Sasjkatchewan it gets to minus 75 in October and then colder from there until July.

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