How do you write Michelle Wong in Chinese characters?

2009-07-04 5:55 pm
PLease! and thanks

回答 (6)

2009-07-04 11:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2009-07-05 12:52 am
Michelle = 米歇爾
Wong = 王
2009-07-04 11:57 pm
Wong could be any one of these characters: 黃, 王, 汪

Michele could be any one of these: 美雪 (mei xue; meaning beautiful+snow), 米雪 (mi xue, meaning rice+snow)

Again, these are just words chosen based on the proximity of the Chinese pronouncation to the English.
2016-04-04 4:53 pm
For the best answers, search on this site

It's probably something inherited from the needs to quickly write down notes in seminars, lectures, medical training, etc.
2009-07-04 10:54 pm
Huang Mi She (Yellow, Rice, Extravagant)

I simply used characters that sounds like Michelle Wong.

2009-07-04 10:04 pm
For chinese, you cannot simply translate english names to chinese names. There is no like characters that mean michelle. Chinese usually give names to their children based on certain meanings. for example, if they want their child to be smart then they would make a name for meaning smart or either they want a child that would be a good child then they would give it a name that represents good. So there isnt a name for Michelle. BUt there is a character for wong. So figure out your chinese first name and then you got your whole name.

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