高手請進(Q.10) Translation

2009-07-04 11:29 am
「加油! 加油!」坐在草地上的她突然站了起來,為比賽中的小朋友們打氣。看見她那投入的樣子,他也跟著一起歡呼。
哨子一響,比賽完了。場內的小朋友們陸續離場,只剩下倆伙子坐在草地上, 對剛才的比賽仍回味。

回答 (2)

2009-07-04 6:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
“Go go go!!” She suddenly got up from the lawn, cheering for the kids who were taking part in the game. Seeing her enthusiastic look, he cheered along with her as well.
The whistle was blown. The game was over. The kids started to leave, leaving the two of them behind on the lawn, savoring the game still.
“You know, I am so thinly-built, I don’t have a great figure. Sitting on the lawn for a while makes me uncomfortable. What exactly do you see in me?” she asked cheekily.
參考: just trying 請指教
2009-07-05 7:19 am



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