if f(x)= x(x+1) find f(x+h) - f(x)?

2009-07-03 3:06 pm
pls answer.

回答 (12)

2009-07-03 3:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
f(x)= x(x+1) find f(x+h) - f(x)


=x^2+2hx+x+h+h^2 -x(x+1)
=2hx+h+h^2 answer//
2009-07-03 3:13 pm
Just substitute (x + h) for x...

f(x + h) - f(x) = (x + h)(x + h +1) - x(x + 1)

= x^2 + hx + hx + h^2 + x + h - x ^2 - x

= h^2 + 2hx + h

= h(h + x +1)
2009-07-03 3:12 pm
f(x+h) - f(x)
= (x+h)(x+h+1) - x(x+1)
= x^2 + hx + x + hx +h^2 + h - x^2 - x
= 2hx + h^2 + h
2016-11-07 11:11 pm
Assuming that each and every physique compounds of human physique are commonly carbon compounds (substituted or not), the formulation must be: C10^22 H2x10^22 O10^22 N5x10^22 S10^22 P 10^21 Na 10^20 Cl 10^20 P 10^19 Ca 10^19 and something of different significant factors (as Fe, Zn, Mg, etc. perhaps in the selection of 10^5 - 10^18)
2009-07-03 3:16 pm
f(x) = x(x + 1)

f(x) → f(x + h)

f(x + h) = (x + h)[(x + h) + 1]
f(x + h) = (x + h)(x + h + 1)
f(x + h) = x(x) + h(x) + x(h) + h(h) + x(1) + h(1)
f(x + h) = x^2 + xh + xh + h^2 + x + h
f(x + h) = x^2 + x + 2xh + h^2 + h

f(x + h) - f(x)
= (x^2 + x + 2xh + h^2 + h) - x(x + 1)
= x^2 + x + 2xh + h^2 + h - x^2 - x
= x^2 - x^2 + x - x + 2xh + h^2 + h
= 2xh + h^2 + h
= h(2x + h + 1)
2009-07-03 3:14 pm
To figure out what f(x+h) is, just plug in x+h everywhere you see x:

f(x) = x(x+1)
f(x) = ( x ) ( (x) +1 )
f(x+h) = (x+h) ((x+h)+1)
f(x+h) = (x+h) (x+h+1)

Now to find f(x+h) - f(x), put the answer we just got together with f(x) to get:
f (x + h) - f (x) = (x+h) (x+h+1) - x(x+1)

You can simplify this:
(x+h) (x+h+1) - x(x+1)
(x^2 + hx + x + hx + h^2 + h) - (x^2+x)
x^2 +2hx + x + h + h^2 - x^2 -x
2hx + h + h^2
h^2 + 2hx + h

or h(h + x + 1)
2009-07-03 3:13 pm
(x+h)(x+h+1) - x(x+1)
= x(x+1) + h(x+1) + xh + h^2 -x(x+1)
= h^2 +2xh +h
2009-07-03 3:10 pm
Ok...now I have considered this very carefully...

I have done all calculations and permutations available...

And I am certain that the answer is: The War of 1812.
參考: I could be slightly off...I was never very good at maths.
2009-07-03 3:10 pm
Isn't this math or something?
Seriously..and if this is a summer school question then answer it yourself.
That would probably be the reason you're in summer school..
2009-07-03 3:09 pm
x is equal to a granola bar that you wil find under the carpet, then i suggest uou have a coffee foled by 45 packets of butter......

..... and a yorkie

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