What tribute did China pay to USA for saving them from Japanese rundown in World War 2?

2009-07-03 10:01 am

回答 (6)

2009-07-03 2:52 pm
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There has been no tribute paid for any support given to the ROC.

The ROC was allowed to move to Taiwan after the communists finished stockpiling their own weapons during WWII (instead of defending the country against the Japanese) so that they could stomp on the ROC afterwards, and... they are STILL pointing missles at their "brothers". I would think it's a bit hard to "unify" with someone who has a gun in your face.

Happy Bao: Ever hear of the "Flying Tigers"? Some Americans DID care to get involved in fighting the Japanese before 1941.
Moreover, President Roosevelt sacrificed the lives of those in Pearl Harbor just to sway the isolationist opinion of the American people, so they would support going to war against Japan, which we did become greatly involved in long before the defeat of Hitler in 1945 (your statement is false). As a result, nowadays, we get flack for becoming involved in the Chinese Civil War???

Why?... It's simple..., because we can't find a "good" side to be on. That's why. The PRC stabbed their brothers in the back. And the ROC raped and pillaged Taiwan.
Today, it's a stark contrast between "democracy" and "economics" and the Chinese are still playing both sides. Now that I have my home in Taiwan, I'm still searching for the good Chinese... Can you help me find ANY? The ones I have met here now call themselves TAIWANESE, not KMT, not ROC, and certainly not PRC (even though many of their families came from there, including my wife's father).

I apologize in advance for my rant.

參考: TT
2009-07-03 7:46 pm
Have you seen the movie "Pearl Harbor?" You know how many Chinese civilians were executed by the Japanese for trying to save the lives of the "Doolittle Raid" pilots?

Japan began invading China in 1937, a full four years before Pearl Harbor. I don't recall the USA jumping right in and saved the Chinese people form Japanese rundown. Before Hitler was finally defeated in 1945, China was on its own fighting against Japan. Of course the atomic bombs helped end the war, but by that time Japan was all but finished, and the Americans dropped the bombs to protect its own troops from casualties of invading Japan, not to save the Chinese people from a Japanese rundown.

Additional comment:

And Joseph, the USA had an oppotunity to stop the spread of communism before it started. Yet they chose not to help the Nationalists fight against the Communists in the Chinese Civil War that followed. So of course when the Communists took over in China, they would fight for a communist North Korea against the anti-communist USA.
2009-07-03 5:11 pm
They sent troops to Korea to fight against ... USA
2009-07-03 10:28 pm
Do you mean the profits earned by the American companies for selling oil or metals to the Japanese when Japan had invaded Manchuria and China in the 1930s?

From 1937-1941 the U.S. did little to help the people of China, so no tribute would be necessary. In the end, the Chinese did more to save the Chinese from the Japanese invasion than the USA.
參考: History
2009-07-03 11:59 pm
hmmm...not sure, but then again what tribute did USA paid other nations (ie. Canada) for helping/backing them in other wars?
2009-07-03 5:32 pm
Oh, really?!

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