
2009-07-04 4:58 am

佢好容易為左小小事同人嘈. ( 對屋企人都係咁 )
最近更試過打我, 為左小小事.

當然仲有好多. 我都唔知應該點講.
我想幫佢, 但又唔知應該點做.
我係唔係應該帶佢去睇精神科醫生??? 大概要幾$???

回答 (2)

2009-07-13 5:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
2009-07-04 5:31 am
No!Don't do that now!
You should first try to talk with him a while and see what actually was the problem.Is it some problem on his work and made him to do that? Or what ever the problem is.
If you now bring him to see the doctor, he will think that you do not
trust and love him enough.
But if after a talk, he still keep on doing that,then you should bring
him to see the doctor.
參考: my experience

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