
2009-07-04 2:30 am


本人從勞公處得悉 貴公司聘請文員,本人深感興趣現,特來函應徵。





回答 (5)

2009-07-04 2:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
Is subject to duty the officer

Myself from Lao Gongchu learned about that your firm invites the officer, myself deeply feel the interest to be present, the special incoming letter is subject to duty.

Myself after 2007 complete five curricula, myself join xx Limited company in 2008, is the officer. Myself primary cognizance each item of office business, including processing common desk job and material input and so on. If has the opportunity to join your firm work, myself can make the contribution surely for your firm.

With the letter sincerely attaches the statement of personal history, adjuration reading, and Greece grants the interview opportunity.

Specially this I respectfully inform you. Respectfully

Your health

2009-07-05 7:42 am


2009-07-04 5:46 am
The Personnel Manager,
Personnel Department,

Dear Sir or Madam,
I have learned from The Labour Department that
your firm is looking for some clerical staff and hence my application
letter hereby for the post.
I completed my Form Five secondary school
course in 2007 and began to work in 以前工作的公司名( XX Co.
Ltd.)since 月份, 2008 as a clerk to take care of various aspects of
clerical work in general including filing in particular.
Given a chance to work in your firm, I am con
-fident that I shall be of some contribution to your office.
Enclosed will please find my personal resume
for your reference, and I sincerely hope that I shall be given a chance
for an interview.
Yours respectfully,
參考: common English letter
2009-07-04 3:43 am
Members should be writing

I learned from the Labor Department noted that the public and your company to employ clerks, I have great interest in the current, special recruitment letter.

I in 2007, after secondary school, I joined xx Co., Ltd. in 2008 as a clerk. I am mainly responsible for the office services, including processing and general clerical work such as data entry. If there are opportunities to join your company, I will be able to contribute to your company.

With the letter I would like attached personal resume, I urge to read, and the Greek gift of the chance for an interview.

Professionals from up here.
參考: Me
2009-07-04 2:42 am
Members should be writing

I learned from the Labor Department noted that the public and your company to employ clerks, I have great interest in the current, special recruitment letter.

I in 2007, after secondary school, I joined xx Co., Ltd. in 2008 as a clerk. I am mainly responsible for the office services, including processing and general clerical work such as data entry. If there are opportunities to join your company, I will be able to contribute to your company.

With the letter I would like attached personal resume, I urge to read, and the Greek gift of the chance for an interview.

Professionals from up here.



Is subject to duty officer
from to work male place learned about your firm invites the officer, myself deeply felt the interest is present, the special incoming letter is subject to duty.
After myself 2007 complete five curricula, myself join xx limited company in 2008, holds the post of the officer.Myself primary cognizance each item of office business, including processing common desk job and material input and so on.If has the opportunity to join your firm work, myself can make the contribution surely for your firm.
With the letter sincerely attaches the statement of personal history, adjuration reading, and Greece grants interviews the opportunity.
Specially this I respectfully inform you.Respectfully
your health


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