有關transfer voucher 問題!

2009-07-03 7:34 pm
1.如公司在儲蓄戶口轉錢去支票戶口,需要開transfer voucher嗎?

回答 (2)

2009-07-05 2:21 am
You should use Payment voucher for Savings Account for out fund and use Receipt voucher for the Cheque Account for in Fund as these are all receipt and payment issues, equal in amount but opposite in dr/cr entries. In the voucher you simply state out being fund to cheque account and being fund from savings account. The voucher should duly approved and authorised like the other payment and receipt voucher.
It is not proper to use transfer voucher.
2009-07-03 9:43 pm
1. 對, 用轉帳傳票或分錄傳票亦可.
2. 做網上理財過數時, 印轉數資料, 以作單據, 附在傳票下.
3. 放在 "General Journal" 中.


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