知唔知有咩dog food 係最好呀??

2009-07-03 6:06 pm
我有隻松鼠呀~ 想幫佢轉糧,
有冇人可以教下我呀?? 俾小小意見呀~
thank you!!

回答 (4)

2009-07-04 6:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
Careful royal canin might change the ingredient supplier. because my dog was on royal canin but diarraha and vomit for no reason. So, we( vet & I ) think maybe the ingredient has change to different supplier. Just remind you. Look at those websites, they have tell you what ingredients are not good for the dogs. I don't want to do copy and paste others work.
2009-07-06 8:41 am
2009-07-03 7:11 pm
royal canin la.....我個獸醫話好喎, 天然 D, 冇味精. 而且好多種配方. 梗有一種岩你隻狗仔喎.

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