Anyone out there nearing the end of their pregnancy and feeling HUGE?

2009-07-02 8:06 pm
I am 38 weeks pregnant, and I swear every joint and limb of my body is HUGE--it's like my whole body has expanded in the last month or so. I look plus sized even though I'm not, and I am still gaining some weight even though I am not able to eat as much anymore.

My face is big, my fingers are sausages, I have BACK FAT for the first time in my life, and I feel like a beached whale. Everywhere I go I feel people staring at me, and I cant even buy a bottle of water without someone commenting on my pregnant state. :-P

My fear is that my body is going to stay like this...I know it wont completely stay like it is now, but it just feels so solid and permanent.

Anyone else out there need to vent as they approach their due date?

I love the answers so far...venting can be so nice. lol

回答 (9)

2009-07-02 8:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
my back's hurting when I sit or walk, my bum hurts when I walk, my sides hurt when I lie down, my head hurts in general, I have this "drilling" sensation in my pelvic area, my feet are swollen and my toes look like cocktail sausages, my wrists hurt and I wear wrist braces 24 hours a day now...I can't bend down to put on my shoes, pet my dog, or pick up something I just dropped...I will be 39 weeks on Friday and my doctor tells me everything's fine and there is no need to induce. I am always hungry but I don't know what I want to eat (I thought I wanted soup and sandwich earlier, but after making it, I don't feel the soup anymore...and instead I had a bowl of Fruitloops). My mom's calling me everyday...asking if I feel any contractions. My husband is also getting impatient and has started saying "come out already" to my belly. I can't talk to my sisters because they won't understand (they not pregnant) and I can't talk to my best-friend (he's a guy). The only thing that's been keeping me sane in the past weeks - my dog seems to know what's going on and he's been kissing my tummy to make me feel better.
參考: *phew* thanks...I desperately needed to vent.
2009-07-02 8:15 pm
I feel huge too!!! I am coming up on week 38 and I swear just recently I have gotten stretch marks everywhere possible! I'm beginning to worry if my extra weight and stretch marks will go away after I have this baby! My hands feel funny because they are fatter, my face has filled out, and my right foot/leg get so swollen!I no longer feel like a "cute" pregnant girl, now I just feel like "fat" pregnant girl.
2009-07-02 8:22 pm
I'm being induced next Friday - I'll be 39 wks. - and I agree - I also feel like a beached whale!!! I cried all the way home from my parents house last week because I started out at 140lbs. now I weigh a whopping 212. I can't walk becuz it is so painful, and yes people do stare - only I feel like they look disgusted - it's way obvious that I am pg and ready to pop - but I feel like people are like OMG look at that FAT girl!! I gained alot w/ my girls and lost it plus some so I am not too worried about it this time - well I am becuz I am older now - Im seriously thinking about some lipo!! This baby needs to get out - I am tired of being tired, the pains w/ every step I take, the heartburn that will literally now not go away . I def feel your pain - it's almost over - just remember - I try to. Good Luck!! and thanks for letting me vent - I almost feel a little better now! ;-)
參考: Mom of 2 girls, 13 & 7, baby boy due anytime!
2009-07-02 8:18 pm
I'll be 37 weeks Sunday and I am feeling your pain. I am soooo huge it's rediculious. I see these women who are like oh I didn't gain any weight or I only gained 15lbs. Ya thats not my case. 40lbs later. It sucks! And stretch marks are the devil lol.
2009-07-02 8:16 pm
its water retention it will go within 2 weeks after the birth
i had the same and i looked twice my size and people were quite rude to me!
2016-04-03 10:45 pm
i'm only 27 weeks and im ready to feel thin again. i loved being pregnant until about 2 weeks ago-- now i want her out it's so uncomfortable. she's measure 3 weeks ahead too- so i am really feeling it! i guess just keeping in mind that it'll all be over soon and it's all just a means to an end-- it's all worth it!
2009-07-02 8:14 pm
I'm not really feeling 'fat' huge, just huge in general. I've always been tiny, 5'0 and 100lbs before I got pregnant. But of course my belly feels HUGE and my face, hands, and feet are pretty swollen so that makes me feel bigger as well. I'm 36 weeks and can't wait to get this little girl out!
參考: 36 weeks and 1 day with a babygirll<3
2009-07-02 8:12 pm
It sounds like you're retaining fluids. This is possible because of the quick weight gain. Good luck, and I am sure that you will be able to lose this weight after the baby is born.
2009-07-02 8:21 pm
I hear ya! I am 38wks and my baby is way down (if she goes any farther, she will be laying here with me). Anytime I Get up, I FEel like she is going to come flying out. I can't wear my sneakers, I live in sandals and flip flops. I Find it hard to exercise anymore, and cleaning is almost impossible. Have you been able to sleep? I cannot get comfortable. Even when I Am dead tired, I can't fall asleep. I dream of a full blown Starbucks ICE Caramel MAcciatto (not sure how to spell it, but who cares, I will be drinking it not writing an article on it LOL!)! Sushi, I dream of sushi too!

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