what would happen it Canada and the U.S. joined as one country?

2009-07-02 7:36 pm
As two nations we're so different, what do you think would occur if we were together.

回答 (14)

2009-07-02 9:28 pm
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What you smoking, girl?
2009-07-03 3:25 am
It will never happen, Canada would eventually enslave all americans
2009-07-03 3:33 am
Josh M: I would strongly suggest you do some research on Canada before you provide your uninformed opinion. Canada does not have states but provinces and there are sufficient differences between the Canadian and American governmental systems that there would be serious problems.
As for the question, I don't waste my time thinking about these sorts of things.
2009-07-03 3:20 am
Huge problems, not just the ones we can see (ie. land, government, social-economical stuff), but culture, language, etc. as well.

For one, we still honour the British monarchy. The US doesn't (that's the reason why US and Canada became two separate nations in the first place). Then, there's the language problem. English and French are the official language of Canada. So if we are to combine the two countries, would Americans have to learn French, too? We can't just abolish French because it's in our Canadian culture.

Another problem would be how to combine the two health care systems. I am not sure Canadians would be happy to give up the health care system we currently have.
2009-07-03 7:46 am
If that ever happened I think a lot of Canadians would be immigrating to other commonwealths as fast as the ink dries on teh necessary documents. Canada and the US are far too different to ever form one nation. We have completely different ideals and values.
2009-07-03 4:28 am
Canadians would only consent to this if Canada ran the medical system and the banks.
2009-07-03 2:43 am
That government would collapse.

The two governments are already struggling to serve and regulate a large geographical area. Combine them, and that would be a sure fire way to destroy both governments.

Then of course there would be the cultural clashes. The US and Canadian cultures are similar, but different enough that there would be conflict. Lastly, the attitudes of politicians north and south could cause some really crazy mud slinging campains.
2009-07-03 7:56 am
Chaos... "civil" war... riots... anarchy... time would stand still and the whole world would collapse in on itself and cease to exist...
2009-07-03 7:24 am
I might have to see if New Zealand would let me in.
2009-07-03 10:06 am
What do you mean if? When Quebec breaks off from Canada, several east coast provinces will be cut off from the rest of Canada, the unemployment is so high, they will have no choice but to look to the US for protection. Several other Canadian provinces will have no advantage in staying Canadian and will make a venture agreement to become the 51st and 52nd states.
2009-07-03 2:50 am
Canada would get a whole lot better. But on the serious side I do not believe that are governments would fail. However one country would have to ultimately decide which government to fall in line with. Either the U.S would have to transfer powers to the (very similar) Canadian form of govt ruling (Very unlikely). Or Vice versa (most likely). Canada then would most likely keep its current states and state run governments in place during the transition to becoming states of the United States of America. Certain political offices would disappear and others would be added to the Former Canadian states to fall more in line with U.S form of Govt. However not alot would have to change for the new states of the U.S if you look at Louisiana for example they still have alot of French aspects to there govt. such as parishes instead of counties and so forth.

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