
2009-07-03 7:29 am

回答 (7)

2009-07-04 5:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
辯論對探究真理, 最終是沒有甚麽意義的.

因為辯論最終只有幾個可能性: 1. 可能有一個共識 2. 可能沒有共識 3. 可能有許多分歧, 并各是其是, 非其所非.

而不論甚麼可能性也好, 各人最終所得, 都是對真理的一些解釋, 這些對真理的解釋, 或可滿足人的 Mind, 而不可滿足人的 Heart, because truth must be felt by this heart and cannot be satisfied by explanations.

2009-07-03 23:21:04 補充:
leecheukkwong 兄,

Q. 你對, "真理越辯越明", 有異議?

A. Debate is ok, but it only satisfied the mind not our heart

2009-07-06 23:14:44 補充:
People have debates on joy. Surely enough they have understood some truths about joy. Are they really in joy? Or are there still feelings of emptiness in their hearts?

2009-07-06 23:30:12 補充:
People have debates on joy. Surely enough they have found some truths about joy. And I have a question, are they in joy? Or there are still feelings of emptiness in their heart?

2009-07-07 19:58:25 補充:
Explain futher of what I mean by this:

"Debate is ok, but it only satisfied the mind not our heart"

Does emptiness of this heart can be fullfilled by 'truths' come out of debates?
2009-07-07 6:44 pm


唉!大家都見怪不怪了!好像這裏Yahoo知識問題的所謂最佳答案,真是問題的真理答案?? ^O^....

所以,探究真理 = 辯論 + 時機


時機許可下,網民的激辯救了一個鄧玉嬌,真理[ 威一陣 ]
2009-07-06 4:19 am
舉一個例子 , 莊子是著名道家人物 , 其不少哲理發人心醒 , 而莊子之哲學理論不少是透過與雄辯家惠子討論中得出的 , 因此辯論對探究真理有著一定作用。另外 , 西藏一脈的佛教徒每日也是透過辯論而精進佛理。
人們固然能透過靜思而悟出真理 , 然此非至人不能為 , 人為有情之物 , 易因主觀、感性之障礙而偏離真理 , 故此透過與他人之辯論、討論而辯論印證自身之理論或修正一己之偏見 , 使自身日進無疆 , 從而悟出真理。
參考: me
2009-07-05 5:52 am
QQ :
2009-07-04 10:46 pm

那唯一「不變」的 ,
2009-07-04 9:17 am
Debate is necessary for a person to approach truth. In the history of Western philosophy, debate is one of the most important tools to remove falsehood.

First of all, there is internal debate within a person's mind. At first, one may have wishful thinking that is simply fantasy, but the person may soon find a contradiction to that fantasy. This is where internal debate comes in. One puts the two ideas in comparison, and the person simultaneously give arguments for and against both ideas, in turn. In the end of the debate, the person may find the evidence more believable and so the original fantasy is dropped.

Second, although there is a popular kind of debate where children or adults are arguing to win by their wits, there are still many debates that aim at improving societies and human lives. For example, in academic peer review, when someone wants to publish some research finding, there will be other professors trying to find mistakes and gaps in your research. If the research is carefully done, which means likely to approach truth, the person should be able to defend it quite well.
2009-07-04 7:03 am
你對, "真理越辯越明", 有異議?

這裡只是越辯越明, 並不是一定得到真理.

2009-07-04 07:20:38 補充:
說得太簡單了, 不太好把握wwpoon.francis 君的意思.

世界觀影響人生觀, 人生觀就你的人生態度, 知識多了, 又影響世界觀, 就是一個循環, 舉個例子, 香港人最常說, "世事無絕對", 就是一個世界觀, 亦是一個人生觀, 亦是一個真理.

我不同意這個"世事無絕對", 這就須要辯論.

其實, "越辯越明", 這句是不是一個真理呢? 因為這句話是, 越來越清楚, 越來越明白, 越來越接近, 未必到終點. 用一句古語, "須不能至, 心嚮往之."

甚麼是真, 甚麼是知識, 這又關係到實在論, 及唯名論之爭了.

2009-07-04 21:52:08 補充:
變幻原是永恆(或 變幻才是永恆), 撒謊者悖論幾乎和哲學一樣古老, 這類的邏輯悖論很多, 很多邏輯學家都嘗解決這問題.

不知QQ君想証明甚麼? 你想說不可知?


我認為能夠知不可知, 都是一個知.

2009-07-24 20:55:38 補充:
wwpoon.francis君, 須然你很努力解釋, 但我都未能完全掌握你的意思, 你所說的, 似乎不是真理, 應是一種精神境界, 因為按你意思說似是一種經驗, 一種體認. 中國各派哲學都有這類境界的說法.

例如孟子的"浩然之氣", “其為氣也,至大至剛,以直養而無害,則塞於天地之間。”《孟子‧公孫丑上》, 即個人的最高境界中的精神狀態. 亦有其一套方法, “其為氣也,配義與道,無是餒也。是集義所生者,非義襲而取之也,行有不慊於心,則餒矣。我故曰:告子未嘗知義,以其外之也。必有事焉,而勿正,心勿忘,勿助長也。”《孟子‧公孫丑上》。

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