✔ 最佳答案
辯論對探究真理, 最終是沒有甚麽意義的.
因為辯論最終只有幾個可能性: 1. 可能有一個共識 2. 可能沒有共識 3. 可能有許多分歧, 并各是其是, 非其所非.
而不論甚麼可能性也好, 各人最終所得, 都是對真理的一些解釋, 這些對真理的解釋, 或可滿足人的 Mind, 而不可滿足人的 Heart, because truth must be felt by this heart and cannot be satisfied by explanations.
2009-07-03 23:21:04 補充:
leecheukkwong 兄,
Q. 你對, "真理越辯越明", 有異議?
A. Debate is ok, but it only satisfied the mind not our heart
2009-07-06 23:14:44 補充:
People have debates on joy. Surely enough they have understood some truths about joy. Are they really in joy? Or are there still feelings of emptiness in their hearts?
2009-07-06 23:30:12 補充:
People have debates on joy. Surely enough they have found some truths about joy. And I have a question, are they in joy? Or there are still feelings of emptiness in their heart?
2009-07-07 19:58:25 補充:
Explain futher of what I mean by this:
"Debate is ok, but it only satisfied the mind not our heart"
Does emptiness of this heart can be fullfilled by 'truths' come out of debates?