可否幫我翻譯成英文 (急需!!)

2009-07-03 6:59 am
可否幫我翻譯以下成英文, thx!!

1 我們向經理/各位作了簡短的自我介紹.

2. 經理也我們作了簡短的自我介紹, 并說出她對我們的期望和要求.

回答 (2)

2009-07-03 2:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(1) We made a brief self introduction to the manager/all of you.

(2) The Manager also made a brief introduction about herself and told us her expectations and demands on us.
2009-07-03 8:59 pm
1 to the managers / members briefly introduce themselves.

2. Manager, we also made a brief self-introduction, and tell her of our expectations and requirements.

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