部 tiny scanner係要裝碟, 裝左個軟件叫MGI PhotoSuite Ⅲ, 在
window me時, 部腦認到scanner, so scanner 到, but 係 xp到,認唔到部scanner,so scanner唔到
甘睇下個software 的help, 找到佢甘寫.......
"Select the scanner type from the Scanner list. Note that if the list is empty, the Scan button will be disabled. This means you do not have a TWAIN driver installed."
原因係咪真係TWAIN driver....................點算呀...........我想用返部scanner...........
(if 要download TWAIN driver, 邊到可以down)
scanner 牌子: tiny ( 巳結業) model: 唔知 同電腦用 usb connect 無去過原廠網頁下載 xp scanner driver, 因tiny 巳結業..同我找唔到佢software- MGI PhotoSuite Ⅲ的網頁.. 用唔到的原因和 TWAIN driver有關嗎? 因software help 寫"Note that if the list is empty, This means you do not have a TWAIN driver installed."