以”有限公司”名義簽租約, 另加簽一份個人擔保

2009-07-03 12:18 am
跟據租務條例, 業主有沒有權要求租客(如是有限公司)簽署另一份以個人名義的私人擔保書?

回答 (2)

2009-07-06 3:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
2009-07-03 12:47 am
No such requirement in law. It is a matter of prudence of the landlord to safeguard the due payment of the rent by a limited company. All terms of the tenancy have to be agreed by all parties.

2009-07-13 10:27:34 補充:
Repeating the first correct answer given.

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